Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Period 42: Revision

TET holiday is celebrated on the first day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam. Some weeks before the New Year, the Vietnamese clean their houses and paint the walls. New clothes are bought for the occasion. One or two days before the festival, people make Banh Chung, which is the traditional cake, and kinds of jam. On the new Year’s Eve, the whole family get together for a reunion dinner. Every member of the family should be present during the dinner in which many different kinds of dishes are served. On the New Year morning, the young member of the family pay their respects to the elders. And the children receive lucky money wrapped in red tiny envelops. Then people go to visit their neighbors, friends and relatives.

1. Is TET holiday celebrated on the second day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam?

2. What do the Vietnamese often do some weeks before the New Year?

3. Who do people often visit on TET holiday?

4. How many kinds of dishes are served in the reunion dinner?


ppt9 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 11/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 45 | Lượt tải: 0download
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English 8 
I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 
1. A.harmful 	B.slowly	 C.cloudy D. unique 
2. A.worship B.belong 	 C.enjoy	 D. behave 
3. A.alternate B.entertain C. ymbolize D. cultivate 
4. A. minorities B. populated C. activityD.experience 
1. D	2.A	3.B	4.B 
V. Finish each of the following sentences in such way that it meaning exactly the same as the sentences before it. 
1. Cats cannot swim as well as dog. (BETTER) 
2. I get a lot of pleasure from reading cookery books.(ENJOY) 
3. Would you like to play a game of tennis now? (FANCY) 
4. How much are those trainers?( COST) 
5. Which custom do you like better, the Tay’s or the Pathen’s? ( PREFER) 
1. Dogs can swim better than cats 
2. I enjoy reading cookery books. 
3. Would you fancy playing a game of tennis now? 
4. How much do those trainers cost? 
5. Which custom do you prefer, the Tay’s or the 
Pathen’s ? 
II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. 
1. The storm arrived at the village much (soon)..than we expected. 
2. My cat is a better pet: She plays much (quiet)than my big, noisy dog. 
3. Many birds fly a long way, but Arctic terns( én bắc cực ) fly the (far). 
4. Do you know that light travels (fast). than sound. 
1. sooner	2.more quietly	3. f arthest	 4.faster 
III. Combine each pair of sentences to make one sentence, using the words given in brackets. 
1.Lang Lieu couldn’t buy any special food . He was very poor. (BECAUSE) 
2.During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all kinds of sweets. They make Chung cakes as well.(SO) 
3.The Hung King Temple Festival was a local festival. It has become a public holiday in Viet Nam since 2007 .(HOWEVER) 
4.At the Mid-Autumn Festival, kids can sing, dance, and enjoy moon-cakes. Every child like it very much .(THEREFORE) 
TET holiday is celebrated on the first day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam. Some weeks before the New Year, the Vietnamese clean their houses and paint the walls. New clothes are bought for the occasion. One or two days before the festival, people make Banh Chung, which is the traditional cake, and kinds of jam. On the new Year’s Eve, the whole family get together for a reunion dinner. Every member of the family should be present during the dinner in which many different kinds of dishes are served. On the New Year morning, the young member of the family pay their respects to the elders. And the children receive lucky money wrapped in red tiny envelops. Then people go to visit their neighbors, friends and relatives. 
1. Is TET holiday celebrated on the second day of the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam? 
2. What do the Vietnamese often do some weeks before the New Year? 
3. Who do people often visit on TET holiday? 
4. How many kinds of dishes are served in the reunion dinner? 
- No, It isn’t. 
- Some weeks before the New Year, the Vietnamese clean their houses and paint the walls 
- People go to visit their neighbors, friends and relatives. 
- Many different kinds of dishes are served . 
1. Is TET holiday celebrated on the second day of the Lunar New Year in VN? 
2. What do the Vietnamese often do some weeks before the New Year? 
3. Who do people often visit on TET holiday? 
4. How many kinds of dishes are served in the reunion dinner? 
 Review all the vocabularies and structures. 
Write a short paragraph about how to make yellow sticky rice 
 Be ready for TEST 2. 

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