Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure. Lesson 5: Skills 1

A child helpline is a telecommunication support service for children and young people. It is free of charge. When you contact a helpline, often via telephone, you will get answered and someone from the helpline may even come directly to help you

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Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure 
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1 
 Asking for advice 
- What do you think I should do (about...)?- What should I do?- What would you do in this situation?- Could you give me some advice (about...)?- If you were me, what would you do?- I wonder whether to... or...- Do you know who to speak to about this? 
 Asking for advice 
 Do you know what a child helpline is? 
 A child helpline is a telecommunication support service for children and young people. It is free of charge. When you contact a helpline, often via telephone, you will get answered and someone from the helpline may even come directly to help you 
2. Answer the questions. 
What is Magic Number 18001567? 
2. Which age groups have called the helpline most? 
3. What were the calls mostly about? 
4. Why have 3,000 calls received emergency support? 
5. How does Magic Number promote child participation in its operations? 
6. What is the aim of the helpline? 
It's a free service for counselling and protecting children and young adults in Viet Nam. 
They were callers in the 11-14 year old and 15-18 year old groups. 
The calls were mostly questions about family relationships, friendships, and 
physical and mental health. 
Because they were cases of missing or abandoned children, or children who 
were suffering from violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse. 
The helpline promotes child participation in its operations by involving children 
as peer communicators and decision makers. 
It aims to create favourable conditions for children to develop physically and mentally. 
3. Read the text again and decide if the followingstatements are true (T) or false (F). 
1. You can call Magic Number anytime during the day or night. 
2. The service and the telephone calls are free. 
3. Only children can call the helpline. 
4. The typical caller to Magic Number is a nine-year-old child. 
5. All decisions about the operation of the helpline are made by adults. 
6. The service is available in all cities and provinces in Viet Nam. 
1. counsel (v) 
2. mental (adj) 
3. abandoned (adj) 
4. traffick (v) 
5. sexual abuse (n) 
 6. promote (v) 
g. lạm dụng tình dục 
f. Khuyên răn, tư vấn 
e. bị bỏ rơi 
d. thuộc tinh thần 
b. Thúc đẩy 
h. Buôn bán 
Caller 1: 
4. Listen to two students calling a child helpline and complete the notes. 
girl, from Hanoi, last year of high school 
 a bit depressed and confused 
Feeling now: 
Problem: : 
want to be a designer; but her parents want her to be a doctor. 
doesn’t know what to say to her parents 
Caller 2: 
4. Listen to two students calling a child helpline and complete the notes. 
boy, named Long, 13 years old, from Ho Chi Minh City. 
Feeling now: 
Problem: : 
online friend asked for 5 million dong; said if he refused to give it his life would be difficult. 
if he told someone about that. 
Caller 2: 
Caller: boy, named Long, 13 years old, from Ho Chi 
 Minh City. 
Feeling now: worried 
Problem: online friend asked for 5 million dong; said if he 
 refused to give it his life would be difficult. 
Question: if he told someone about that. 
Caller 1: 
girl, from Hanoi, last year of high school 
 a bit depressed and confused 
Feeling now: 
Problem: : 
want to be a designer; but her parents want her to be a doctor. 
doesn’t know what to say to her parents 
Use the notes to role-play the callers. 
5. Look at 2 A CLOSER LOOK 1. Imagine you are one of these students. You want to call the Magic Number helpline to ask for help. What do you say? Your partner listens and takes notes. 
Remember to:• briefly introduce yourself (you can choose whether to say your name and address or not)• describe your problem/dilemma• ask for help 
1. I’ll never be good at maths. I’m just too stupid. 
2. 'I hate my voice . It's high one minute. low the next, then high again! What's the matter with it? AND the girls are making fun of me! I'm so embarrassed.' 
3. 'I must get the highest score in this exam. 
 I must be the best student in the class!' 
4. 'I feel worried when I have to wait for the bus in that neighborhood after my evening class . It’s so quiet and dark there.' 
5. 'l have this big assignment to complete and l don't know where to start. It’s too difficult!' 
6. 'Why does he make me do all of his homework? It's not fair. And he says if I don't do it, he'll make my life difficult.' 
- Do part C and D in the workbook 
- Learn vocabulary and expressions by heart 
- Prepare “Skills 2" 
Thank you for your attention! 
Good bye 

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