Bài giảng Tiếng Anh - Unit 15: Choices

Candy ['kændi] noun [C or U] us a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, or a pieces or this: keïo

A candy bar

A box or candy

Fruit (PLANT PART) [fru:t] noun [C or U] the usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or brush which can be eaten: traùi (caây), quaû

Apricots are the one fruit I don’t like

Would you like some fruit for dessert?

I like exotic fruit, like mangoes and papayas


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unit 15 choices*1Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiI. Vocabulary	Sandwich ['sænwidʒ] us [-wit∫] noun [C] two pieces of bread, sometimes spread with butter or margarine, and with some other usually cold food between them: baùnh mì xaêng uyùt A tuna/ ham sandwichA toasted sandwich A sandwich bar/box Sandwich filingsCookie (Biscuit), cookie ['kuki] noun [C] main us a sweet biscuits: baùnh quy ngoïtChocolate-chip cookie Mineral water noun [U] ( us also bottled water) natural water from underground, containing dissolved minerals which are believed to be good for health: nöôùc suoái. Nöôùc khoaùng Still/carbonated mineral water nöôùc khoaùng/ nöôùc khoaùng coù ga Date2Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiCandy ['kændi] noun [C or U] us a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, or a pieces or this: keïo A candy barA box or candy Fruit (PLANT PART) [fru:t] noun [C or U] the usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or brush which can be eaten: traùi (caây), quaûApricots are the one fruit I don’t like Would you like some fruit for dessert? I like exotic fruit, like mangoes and papayasFrozen ( turned into ice) [fri:z] adjective (of water) turned into ice, of ) of food preserved by freezing: ñoâng laïnh, ñoâng cöùng They skated over the frozen lake. We don’t have any fresh vegetables, only frozen peasIf a person, or part of their body is frozen, they are very cold: teâ coùng I’m frozen – could you close the window? After walking through the snow, my feet were frozen stiffDate3Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiSweater ['swetə] noun [C] a usually woolen piece of clothing with long sleeves which is worn on the upper part of the body: aùo len Put a sweater on if you’re cold A V-necked sweater Yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt ['jougə:t] noun [C or U] a slightly sour, thick liquid made form milk with bacteria added to it, sometimes sweetened and flavored with fruit and sometimes eaten plain: söõa chua, giao-ua Date4Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiUNIT 16:WHAT DO THEY HAVE*5Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiI. Vocabulary Fan (person) [fæn] noun someone who admires and supports a person, sport ,sports team, etc: ngöôøi haâm moä More than 15,000 liverpool fans attended Saturday fans attemded Saturday’s game I’m pleased to meet you – I’m a great fan of your work Actor ['æktə] noun [C] ( female also actress) someone who pretends to be some one else while performing in a film, theatrical performance, or television or radio programmed: dieãn vieânShe’ the highest-paid actress in HollywoodSuperstar ['su:pəstɑ:] noun an extremely famous actor, singer, musician, sports player, ect: minh tinh maøn baïc, sieâu saoA rock superstar sieâu sao nhaïc roác Court [kɔ:t] noun an area marked out on the ground which used for playing sports such as tennis and basket ball: saân boùng A tennis/ volleyball/ basketball/squash court They were penalized for having too many players on the courtBank [bæηk] noun [C] an organization where people and businesses can invest or borrow money, change it to foreign money, est. , or building where these services are offered: ngaân haøng, nhaø baêngDate6Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn NghiMarried ['mærid] adjectiveHaving a wife of husband: coù vôï, coù choàng A married couple We’ve been happily married for yearsPlease sate whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.Get married to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband of wife: laäp gia ñình When are you getting married? Cabin ['kæbin] noun [C] a small, simple house made of wood: tuùp lieàu A log cabin caên leàu goã Wood [wud] noun [C] an area of land covered with a thick growth of tress: khu röøng An oak wood Nurse [nə:s] noun [C]Factory ['fæktəri] noun [C] a buildings or set of buildings where large amounts of good are made using machines: nhaø maùy, xí nghieäp, xöôûng Passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t] noun [C]: hoä chieáu Motorcyclist ['moutə,saiklist] noun [C] a vehicle with two wheels and an engine: xe gaén maùy 2 baùnh, xe moto Date7Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Nguyến Văn Nghi

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