Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Lesson 1: Simple present tense - Năm học 2020-2021

1. Lan (not have) many friends in her new school. =>

2. Hung (come) from Vinh but he . (stay) with his relatives in Ho Chi Minh city at the moment. => .

3. We (not drive) to work everyday. We (go) .by bus. =>

4. Who you (talk) to on the phone now, Minh ? => .

5. Where your new friend (live), Nga ? => .

- She (live) on Hang bac street.=>

6. Nam and Trang always (visit) their grandparents on Sundays. =>

7. My father (listen) to the radio everyday. => .

8. The children (like) to play in the park. => .

9. She (not live) with her parents. =>

10. Lan (brush) her teeth after meals. =>

11. The students (not go) to school on Sunday. =>

12. Nga (talk) to her friends now. =>


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Wednesday, November 25th 2020 
Lesson 1: simple present tense,
A. Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to study the simple present tense and do some exercises.
B. Content:
I- Speaking: "Talk about your new school"
- What is the name of the school ?
- Where is the school ?
- Is your school big or small ?
- How many floors does it have ?
- How many teachers/ students does the school have ?
- What do students do at school ?
- What subject do you like ?
-Do you like your school ? Why ? Why not ?
1. Form: Simple present tense 
 - Affirmative: S + V(s/es). 
 - Negative: S + do/does + not + V( bare).. 
 - Interrogative: Do/Does + S + V( bare)...? 
 Yes, S + do/does – No, S + don’t / doesn’t 
 Wh- question + do/ does + S + V? 
Note: ( We, You, They -> do ; He, She, It-> does)
2. Use:
 a. Diễn tả một hành động hoặc một thói quen của hiện tại (always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, every.)
 Ex: I usually go to school in the afternoon.
 b. Diễn tả một chân lý, một sự thật lúc nào cũng đúng.
 Ex: The earth moves around the sun 
3. Đối với ngôi thứ 3 số ít: (He, She, It):
 a. Thêm ‘s’ vào sau động từ thường
 Ex: Lan often gets up early in the morning.
 b. Thêm ‘es’ vào sau những động từ tận cùng là: ch, sh, s, x, o, z.
 Ex: He watches a lot of TV on Sundays
4. Hỏi và trả lời về khoảng cách:
 How far is it from . to . ?
 It’s about kilometer.
II- Bài tập:
Ex1: Givete correct form of the verbs.
1.	Lan (not have) many friends in her new school. =>
2.	Hung (come) from Vinh but he .. (stay) with his relatives in Ho Chi Minh city at the moment. =>.
3.	We (not drive) to work everyday. We (go) ..by bus. =>
4.	Who you (talk) to on the phone now, Minh ? =>..
5.	Where your new friend (live), Nga ? =>..
- She (live) on Hang bac street.=> 
6.	Nam and Trang always (visit) their grandparents on Sundays. =>
7.	My father (listen) to the radio everyday. =>..
8.	The children (like) to play in the park. =>.
9.	She (not live) with her parents. =>
10.	Lan (brush) her teeth after meals. =>
11.	The students (not go) to school on Sunday. =>
12.	Nga (talk) to her friends now. =>
Ex2: Reordering the sentences:
1.	see/ you/ again/ nice/ to.
2.	our/ classmate/ is/ this/ new.
3.	have/ any/ doesn’t/ in/ she/ friends/ Hanoi.
4.	new/ has/ students/ her/ school/ a lot of.
5.	with/ her/ lives/ Hoa/ in/ uncle and aunt/ Hanoi.
Ex3: Reordering the dialouge.
..Hello, Nga. Nice to see you again.
..Nice to meet you , Minh.
..Hello, Phong.
.Nice to see you. How are you ?
.Fine, thanks. This is our new classmate. His name is Minh.
.Nice to meet you, too.
Ex4: Matching the sentences 
1.	How are you ?
2.	Are you a new student ?
3.	What is his family name ?
4.	What is your address ?
5.	How do you go to school ?
6.	How far is it ?
a.	By bus.
b.	It’s Tran
c.	Fine, thanks.
d.	About one kilometer.
e.	Yes, I am.
f.	62B Dien Bien Phu Street.

 1- 4-
 2- 5-
 3- 6-
Ex5: Fill in the gaps.
 Any – go – far – still – new - with – miss - a lot of

My name is Nguyen Minh Trung. I am a(1)..student in class 7 A. I am from Da nang and my family(2)live there. In Ho Chi Minh city, I live(3)..my grandparents at 21/3B Nguyen Trai street. My new school is not(4)from our house- about one kilometer, so I(5).to school by bike. There are(6).students in my new school. But I don’t have(7)..friends. I am unhappy. I(8)..my parents, my sisters and my friends in Da Nang.
Answers: 1, 2,. 3,.... 4,. 
 5, 6,.......... 7,.... 8,...
a.	What is his full name ? =>
b.	Is he a newstudent? =>.......................................................
c.	Where is he from? =>.....................
d.	Who does he live with in Ho Chi Minh city? =>
e.	What is his address ?=>
f.	How far is it from his house to school ?=>...................
g.	How does he go to school ?=>.........
h.	Why is he unhappy ? =>.................
Ex6: Make questions ‘How far’ and answer.
Eg: your house/ bus stop/ one kilometer
A: How far is it from your house to the bus stop ?
B: It’s about one kilometer.
1.	school/ her house/ 100 meters.
2.	post office/ movie theater/ two kilometers.
3.	your house/ Ben Thanh market/ five kilometers.
4.	bookstore/ restaurant/ 500 meters.
5.	lan’s house/ zoo/ three kilometers.
6.	your school/ library/ one kilomete
Ex 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackes.
1. The sun (set) in the West. 
2. The earth (circle) the Sun once every 365 days.
3. It usually (rain) in the summer. 
4. They often (build) hotels, but this year they (build) hospitals.
5. Bees (make) honey.
6. They (get) on the scale now.
7 ............... your friends (be) students? 
 - Yes, they(be)..........................
8..you (go).. to school on Sundays? – Yes, I do.
9............. she often (go) to the cinema every weekend?
10. What...... he(do).......after school ?
Ex 4: Order the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. house/ is / the market/ far/ to/ from/ how/ it/ Trang's?
2. lives/ street/ grandparents/ he / hoang Quoc Viet / his / on / with.
3. many/ old / students/ my/ have/ doesn't/ class.
4. Mrs./ the boy/ to/ who/ Quyen/ talking/ is?
5. smaller/ new/ old/ her/ Hoa's / one/ school/ is/ than.
Exercise 5: Make questions for the underlined words:
1. We live in Ha tinh city.
2. He often goes to school on food.
3.They went to work at 6.30.
4.It is about 2km from my house to the market.
5.She works carefully.
6. They have history on Monday.
7.My brother brushed his teeth 30 minutes ago.
8.I sometimes play chess.
9.Mai was fond of music when she was 6.
10. There are 4 people in my family.
11. Her son learnt English well last school year.
12. Their children met us yesterday.
13. She has a lot of good books.
14. I was thin 2 years ago.
15 .My parents bought a new car last month.
16. Her friend writes to her 3 times a month.
17. Nga used a computer well a long time ago.
18. We had a blue house when we lived in the countryside.
19. Mr Minh swims fast.
 20. I don’t like these flowers
III. Homework: 
- Learn by heart form , use of simple present and prerent continous 
- Redo these above exercises 

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