Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: Leisure Activities

I. Choose the correct word A, B, or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

I go on the Internet every day, but I’ve never (1) more than an hour at a time

online. I’ve got a laptop and also smartphone, so I can (2) Today, for instance, I’ve been (3) three times.

the Internet everywhere.

Mainly I just (4) my friends. I read online magazines and I look (5) information, too. I also compare prices of things, (6) I’ve never bought anything online because I don’t think it’s safe.

I’m not an Internet addict, but some of my friends (7) . One friend of mine always looks

(8) because he spends all night online. Although he’s got a lot of bad marks for the

exams, he hasn’t (9) _ his habits.

In my experience, it is very useful for people who use the Internet (10) _.

1. A. spend B. spending C. spent

2. A. have B. use C. play

3. A. online B. Internet C. computer

4. A. write B. email C. send

5. A. at B. in C. for

6. A. because B. but C. happily

7. A. is B. were C. are

8. A. tired B. hard C. happily

9. A. change B. to change C. changed

10. A. sensible B. sensibly C. sensibleness


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adore (v)
Yêu thích, mê thích
detest (v)
addicted (adj)
nghiện (thích)
cái gì
DIY (n)
/ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/
đồ tự làm, tự sửa
beach game (n)
Trò thể thao trên bãi biển
don’t mind (v)
Không ngại,
Không ghét lắm
bracelet (n)
Vòng đeo tay
hang out (v)
Đi chơi với bạn bè
communicate (v) communication (n) communicative (adj)
Giao tiếp(v) (n)
hooked (adj)
Yêu thích cái gì
Communitycentre (n)
Trung tâm văn hoá cộng đồng
It’s right up mystreet!

Đúng vị của tớ!
craft (n)
đồ thủ công
join (v)
Tham gia
craft kit (n)
bộ dụng cụ làm thủ công
leisure (n)
sự thư giãn nghỉ ngơi
cultural event (n)
sự kiện văn hoá
leisure activity
hoạt động thư giãn nghỉ ngơi
netlingo (n)
Ngôn ngữ dùng để giao tiếp trên mạng
leisure time (n)
thời gian thư giãn nghỉ ngơi
people watching (n)
ngắm người qua lại
relax (v)
relaxation (n)
Thư giãn (v)
satisfied (adj) satisfaction (n)
satisfy (v)
Hài lòng (adj)
(n) sự hài lòng
(v) làm hài lòng
socialise (v)
Giao tiếp để tạo mối quan hệ
weird (adj)
Kì cục
shopping (n)
Đi ngắm đồ bày ở
cửa hàng
virtual (adj)
ảo (chỉcó ở

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud.
A. sound
A. tool
B. cloud
B. noon
C. found
C. door
D. favourite
D, school
3. A. know
B. show
C. now
D. low
4. A. crafts
B. comics 
C. streets
D. stamps
5. A. mentions
B, questions
C. action
D. education
6. A. prize
B. drill
C. brick
D. trim
7. A. broom
B. proof
C. blood
D. troop
8. A. practice
B. cracker
C. tractor
D. bracelet
9. A. trophy
B. problem
C. broccoli
D. drop
10. A. trunk
B. prudential
C. brush
D. crush
Put the words in the box into two groups


Complete the sentences in Mai’s email with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Hi, Susan!
Well, I’m here in Ha Noi, now. I see quite a lot of my cousin Hoa because we (1) (enjoy/ do)
 	the same things. I have some new friends called David and John. David is very good at computers and he (2) (not mind/ help) 	me so that’s good. John is really nice too. He (3) (play) 	basketball and he (4) (go/ skateboard)
 	quite a lot. His brother Toby is 18 and he’s really cool but he (5) (prefer/ play)
 	football. I (6) (do 	gymnastics once a week and Hoa (7) (do)
 	karate. She prefers indoor sports because she (8) (not like/ get) 	cold! Write soon!
Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
Mai enjoys 	to music, especially pop music in her free time.
A. hearing	B. playing	C. listening	D. taking
My grandparents love 	very much. There are a lot of beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables in their garden.
A. doing garden	B. doing gardening	C. do gardening	D. to do garden
You should avoid 	too much TV. It’s not good for your eyes.
A. seeing	B. looking	C. watching	D. glancing
Nga likes 	with her close friend on Saturday evenings. She feels relaxing.
A. window shop	B. window to shop	C. window shops	D. window shopping
Lan used to love 	in front of the computer for hours but now she doesn’t. she takes part in a judo club.
A. using	B, sitting	C. doing	D. having
Minh is very hard-working boy. He doesn’t mind 	a lot of homework in the evenings.
A. making	B, reading	C. seeing	D. doing
Do you fancy 	around the West Lake with me this Sunday morning?
A. going	B. having	C. staying	D. moving
I don’t like 	up early in the winter days. I love 	in bed late.
A. getting/ stay	B. get/ stay	C. getting/ staying	D. get/ staying
Mai’s dad likes 	spring rolls when her family has parties.
A. doing	B. making	C. cooking	D. trying
Why don’t we 	our parents with some DIY projects? I think it’s useful.
A. help	B. do	C. make	D. give
Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word.
Millions of teenagers enjoy (1) 	video games. Some play them at home. Others play them in arcades. These games are good fun (2) 	players must be careful.
Teenagers should not spend much time on these games (3) they can become tired, dizzy and even obese. If they use computer too much, they won’t have time for their families and friends. People who are addicted to computer games don’t like to join any clubs or plays any sports. They like (4) _ in front of the computer all the time. One doctor says, “ This is very bad for your people. They must take part in activities with others. All young people should play outdoors and develop their social skills. They should be with people of their own age. They should spend only a small part of their time playing video (5) .they mustn’t forget to do other things too.
Choose the correct word A, B, or C for each gap to complete the following passage.
I go on the Internet every day, but I’ve never (1) 	more than an hour at a time
online. I’ve got a laptop and also smartphone, so I can (2) 	 Today, for instance, I’ve been (3) 	three times.
the Internet everywhere.
Mainly I just (4) my friends. I read online magazines and I look (5) information, too. I also compare prices of things, (6) I’ve never bought anything online because I don’t think it’s safe.
I’m not an Internet addict, but some of my friends (7) . One friend of mine always looks
(8) 	because he spends all night online. Although he’s got a lot of bad marks for the
exams, he hasn’t (9) 	_ his habits.
In my experience, it is very useful for people who use the Internet (10) 	_.
1. A. spend
B. spending
C. spent
2. A. have
B. use
C. play
3. A. online
B. Internet
C. computer
4. A. write
B. email
C. send
5. A. at
B. in
C. for
6. A. because
B. but
C. happily
7. A. is
B. were
C. are
8. A. tired
B. hard
C. happily
9. A. change
B. to change
C. changed
10. A. sensible
B. sensibly
C. sensibleness

Read the passage about British and American teenagers, and answer the questions: Sport: In the UK, football, rugby, tennis and basketball are the most popular sports for teenagers. In the USA, American football, athletics, basketball and baseball are popular.
The Internet and television: Teenagers in both the UK and the USA today watch television less than before but they use the Internet more. They spend over 25 hours a week online.
Pocket money and shopping: The average teenager in the UK gets about £7 a week pocket money. In the USA it is about $10. They spend their money on clothes and going out, but magazines, presents and snacks are so important.
Friends: The average British and American teenager has seven close friends. He or she has sixteen online friends on social network websites.
Which sports do British and American teenagers play in their free time?
How long do they spend online?
How much pocket money do they get?
What do they spend it on?
How many online friends do they have?
Make up sentences using the words and phrases given
Internet/ change/ way/ we/ communicate.
I/ email/ my/ pen pal/ Australia.
Do/ think/ spending/ you/ much/ too/ time/ is/ the/ on/ Internet/ harmful?
Are/ sides/ the/ positive/ and/ negative/ what/ of/ the/ Internet/?
Internet/ the/ useful/ is/, / but/ also/ it’s/ a/ place/ dangerous/.
Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable text about the research finding, “ Teens who use social media too much have lower grades and how to solve it” by writing the correct number (1-10) in each blank.
 	A. One 2010 study showed that only 37% of “heavy” media users had grades lower than the average, while 35% of “light” social users were lower in average grades.
 	B. Other studies have found a negative relationship between social media usage and overall Grade Point Average (GPA).
 	C. But does too much time social networking harm students’ schoolwork?
 	D. One small girl said that checking text message and Facebook on her smartphone was the biggest obstacle to her homework.
 	E. Several studies have showed opposite results.
 	F. Some students are turning on software such as “Block Facebook” to block certain websites on their computers, and allow them to have only certain amounts of time on Facebook so that they can focus on homework.
 	G. Social networking can help connect people with friends, give people the chance to share pictures online, and help people communicate easily.
 	H. One study stated that “sending text message and using Facebook while doing homework were bad for overall GPA”.
 	I. According to Facebook in 2016 there are over 618 million active users per day, and over a billion active users per month.
 	J. In this study, there was no relation between an excess of social media and a below average grades.
Write a paragraph about the topic: “ Whether parents help children with social network”, using the cues given.
There/ both/ many good things/ many potential dangers/ social network.
It/ important for parents/ teach/ their children/ how use/ social media wisely.
Social network/ be/ start of bad things/ like cyber bulling.
Recent reports/ say/ many teenagers/ have/ online contact/ strangers/ and/ it/ make/ them/ feel scared or uncomfortable.
Others/ receive/ online advertising/ that/ be/ inappropriate for their age.
It/ be/ important/ parents/ be/ aware of/ what/ children/ doing online.
Parents/ make/ children/ understand that/ they respect/ children’s privacy.
However/ parents/ want/ make sure/ children/ be safe.

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