Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Khối 9 - Unit 5: Wonders of Viet Nam

1. Christopher Columbus is said to have discovered America.

2. Many people are reported to become homeless after the flood.

3. The Prime Minister is expected to pass the new law.

4. Mr. Sarkozy was expected to lose the second presidential election.

5. The thieves are believed to have got in through the unlocked window.

6. She is found to have exceed the speed limit.

7. Three people are reported to have been badly hurt in the accident.

8. Three suspects are reported to have been arrested after the bomb attack.

9. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.

10. The wanted man is reported to be hiding in a small house in the suburb.


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Chúng ta sử dụng câu bị động có động từ tường thuật để diễn đạt quan điểm của những người khác. Các động từ tường thuật (reporting verbs) thường
được sử dụng là: say, think, believe, know, hope, expect, report, understand, claim, consider.,.
Câu chủ động thường có dạng:
S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 + O + ....
Đối với câu bị động này, chủ ngữ (S1) thường là các chủ ngữ chung chung như: People / They ...
Có 2 cách để biến đổi sang câu bị động có động từ tường thuật:
Active:	S1 + V1 + that +S2 + V2 + O + ....
Passive:	(C1) It + be + P2 (của V1) + that + S2 + V2 + O + ....
(C2) S2 + be + P2 (của V1 ) + to + V2 +
*	Một số lưu ý về cách chia động từ ”be” và ”V2” trong câu bị động.
(C1)	- Động từ "to be" sẽ chia theo thì của V1
-	V2 - giữ nguyên giống V2 của câu trực tiếp.
(C2) - Động từ "to be" chia theo thì của V1 nhưng sẽ chia số ít hay nhiều thì phụ thuộc và S2.
-	V2 - Nếu V1 là thì hiện tại đơn → to V
-	Nếu V1 là thì quá khứ đơn → to have + P2
-	Nếu V1 là thì hiện tại tiếp diễn → to be +V-ing
Ví dụ 1: People say that Ha Long is one of the seven natural wonders in the world.
(Mọi người nói rằng Hạ Long là một trong 7 kì quan thiên nhiên của thế giới.)
→ It is said that Ha Long is one of the seven natural wonders in the world.
(Hạ Long được cho là một trong 7 kì quan thiên nhiên của thế giới.)
→ Hoặc: Ha Long is said to be one of the seven natural wonders in the world.
(Hạ Long được cho là một trong 7 kì quan thiên nhiên của thế giới.)
Ví dụ 2: They think that he is a great student.
(Họ nghĩ rằng anh ấy là một sinh viên giỏi.)
→ It is thought that he is a great student.
(Anh ấy được nghĩ rằng là một sinh viên giỏi.)
→ He is thought to be a great student.
(Anh ấy được nghĩ rằng là một sinh viên giỏi.)
S + suggest + V-ing
S + suggest + (that) + S + (should) + V -infinitive
Uses (Cách sử dụng):
+ Chúng ta sử dụng cấu trúc trên để đưa ra những gợi ý của chúng ta khuyên mọi người nên làm gì, đi đâu...
Ví dụ: I suggested that we (should) go out for a walk. (Tôi gợi ý là chúng ta nên ra ngoài đi dạo.)
I suggested going to the city centre by bus.
(Tôi gợi ý đi đến trung tâm thành phố bằng xe buýt.)
+ Ngoài ra, chúng ta cũng sử dụng cấu trúc này để tường thuật lại gợi ý của người khác khuyên ai đó nên làm gì và nên đi đâu...
Ví dụ: The teacher suggested that the students should study hard before the exam.
(Giáo viên gợi ý rằng học sinh nên học hành chăm chỉ trước kì thi.)
Her father suggested going to see the professor.
(Bố cô ấy gợi ý đi đến gặp giáo sư đó.)
1.	Choose the odd one out.
1. A. culture	B. government	C. tradition	D. custom
2. A. wonders	B. limestone	C. sculpture	D. tomb
3. A. historical	B. beautiful	C. citadel	D. cultural
4. A. beauty spot	B. landscape	C. scenery	D. statue
5. A. palaces	B. monuments	C. castles	D. house
2.	Find the word whose underlined part is different from the others each line.
1. A.believed	B. prepared	C. involved	D. liked
2. A. decreases	B. differences	C. amounts	D. reaches
3. A. those	B. clothes	C.shopping	D. envelope
4. A. fields	B. plants	C. trees	D. newspapers
5. A. ambulance	B. bandage	C. damage	D. patient
3.	Choose the correct passive sentences.
1.	People think that he is a big liar.
A.	He is thought that he was a big liar.
B.	He is thought that he is a big liar.
C.	It is thought that he is a big liar.
2.	They say that he was very kind.
A.	He is said to have been very kind.
B.	It is said that he was very kind.
C.	A&B
3.	We know that the director has bought a new limousine.
A.	It is said that a new limousine has been bought by the director.
B.	The director is known to have bought a new limousine.
C.	It is known that the director had bought a new limousine.
4.	I saw him take her to the park yesterday.
A.	He was seen to take her to the park yesterday.
B.	He was seen take her to the park yesterday.
C.	He was seen taking her to the park yesterday.
5.	She hears me say bad words about my mother-in-law.
A.	I am heard to say bad words about my mother-in-law.
B.	I was heard to say bad words about my mother-in-law.
C.	A&B
6.	The witness said that the robber had long hair.
A.	The robber was said to have long hair.
B.	It was said that robber had long hair.
C.	A & B
7.	I watched her make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.
A.	She was watched to make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.
B.	She was watched make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.
C.	A&B
8.	We believe that Dr. James is a caring person.
A.	It is believe that Dr. James is a caring person.
B.	It is believed that Dr. James is a caring person.
C.	It was believed that Dr. James is a caring person.
9.	I saw her lock the safe carefully.
A.	She was seen locking the safe carefully.
B.	She was seen to lock the safe carefully.
C.	I was seen her lock the safe carefully.
10.	They estimate that about 100 people were injured in the storm.
A.	It is estimated that about 100 people were injured in the storm.
B.	About 100 people are estimated to have been injured in the storm.
C.	A&B
4. Rewrite the sentences using the impersonal passive.
1.	It is said that Christopher Columbus discovered America.
→ Christopher Columbus is said 	
2.	It is reported that many people become homeless after the flood.
→ Many people 	
3.	It is expected that the Prime Minister will pass the new law.
→ The Prime Minister	 	
4.	It was expected that the Mr. Sarkozy would lose the second presidential election.
→ Mr. Sarkozy 	
5.	It is believed that the thieves got in through the unlocked window.
→ The thieves 	
6.	It is found that she exceeded the speed limit.
→ She 	
7.	It is reported that 3 people were badly hurt in the accident.
→ Three people 	
8.	It is reported that three suspects were arrested after the bomb attack.
→ Three suspects 	
9.	It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
→ The prisoner 	
10.	It is reported that the wanted man is hiding in a small house in the suburb.
→ The wanted man 	
5. Rewrite the sentences using the passive.
1.	People believed that Pluto was a planet.
→ Pluto 	.
2.	People think that the rebels are developing weapon secretly.
→ The rebels 	
3.	People believe that the wanted man is living in New York.
→ The wanted man 	
4.	People think that fish is the oldest creature existing on earth.
→ Fish 	.
5.	People suppose that every film made by Cameroon is very good.
→ Every film 	.
6.	People think that many people were killed in the accident.
→ Many people 	.
7.	People think that the number of death in the hurricane is still rising.
→ It 	
8.	People rumor that petrol prices will increase again this week.
→ It is 	.
9.	People say that those dogs are very fierce.
→ Those dogs 	
10.	It is expected that the company will make a higher profit this year.
→ The company 	.
6. Put the verbs in brackets in correct forms.
1. He suggested (play)__________football in the schoolyard.
2. His father suggests that he (go) __________to Ha Long Bay this summer vacation.
3. Tom suggested that we (help) __________our mom make cakes.
4. When we went out yesterday, my mom suggested (bring) __________ umbrellas in case it rained.
5. My sister suggests that I (clean) __________my room before my mother comes back.
6. My teacher suggests that all students (finish) __________all homework before class.
7. His friends suggest that he (take) __________ this opportunity to enhance his skills.
8. Her boyfriend suggests (go) __________ to the cinema to relax at the weekend.
9. It’s snowing outside. My brother suggests (make) __________a snowman.
10. To prepare for the test, she suggests (study) __________in the library.
7. Rewrite the sentences using “suggest”.
1.	“Why don’t you study hard before important exams?” said Peter. Peter suggested that 	
2.	“Let’s go to the cinema at the weekend.”
He suggested 	
3.	“You had better go to bed early if you don’t want to be tired.”
My mother suggested 	
4.	“I think the government should limit the number of visitors every day.” I suggested 	
5.	“It’s a good idea for us to go on holiday in the summer.”
My friend suggested 	
6.	“What about helping the poor in the countryside?”
The student suggested 	
7.	“Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Babara?” said May May suggested Babara 	
8.	“We should control the deforestation to conserve the forests.” He suggested 	
9.	“How about recycling things to protect our environment?” They suggested 	
10.	“Why don’t we invite some more guests?” said the man.
The man suggested 	
8. Read the paragraph and choose the best answers.
Peter was always prepared. His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.” His bedroom was so (1) 	of flat bicycle tires, bent tennis rackets, deflated basketballs, and games with missing pieces (2) 	you could barely get in the door. His parents pleaded with him to (3) 	his room. “What use is a fish tank with a hole in the bottom?” his father asked. But Peter simply smiled (4) 	repeated his motto, “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”
When Peter was (5) 	from home, he always carried his blue backpack. He liked to think of it as a smaller version of his bedroom - a place to store the many (6) 	that he collected. It was
(7) 	worn and stretched that it hardly resembled a backpack anymore. It was full of the kind of things that seemed unimportant, but when used with (8) 	imagination, might come in handy.
1. A. so 	B. full 	C. many 	D. variety
2. A. which 	B. that 	C. who 	D. A and B are correct
3. A. clean out	B. cleans out 	C. cleaning out	D. cleaned out
4. A. but	B. and	C. so	D. or
5. A. near	B. away	C. beside	D. between
6. A. projects	B. people	C. objects	D. children
7. A. such	B. too	C.enough	D. so
8. A. many	B. a few	C. a little	D. any
Bạn hãy tổng hợp những kiến thức, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, từ vựng cần ghi nhớ. (Có thể viết dưới dạng sơ đồ tư duy Mind Map hoặc dạng hình ảnh Inforgraphic)
1. B. government	2. A. wonders	3. C. citadel	4. D. statue	5. D. house
1. D	2. C	3. C	4. B	5. D	
1. C	2. C	3. B	4. A	5. A	6. C	7. A	8. B	9. B	10. C
1.	Christopher Columbus is said to have discovered America.
2.	Many people are reported to become homeless after the flood.
3.	The Prime Minister is expected to pass the new law.
4.	Mr. Sarkozy was expected to lose the second presidential election.
5.	The thieves are believed to have got in through the unlocked window.
6.	She is found to have exceed the speed limit.
7.	Three people are reported to have been badly hurt in the accident.
8.	Three suspects are reported to have been arrested after the bomb attack.
9.	The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
10.	The wanted man is reported to be hiding in a small house in the suburb.
1.	Pluto was believed to be a planet.
2.	The rebels are thought to be developing weapon secretly. 
3.	The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
4.	Fish is thought to be the oldest creature existing on earth.
5.	Every film made by Cameroon is supposed to be very good.
6.	Many people are thought to have been killed in the accident.
7.	It is thought that the number of death in the hurricane is still rising.
8.	It is rumored that petrol prices will increase again this week.
9.	Those dogs are said to be very fierce.
10.	The company is expected to make a higher profit this year.
1. playing 	2. (should) go 	3. (should) help 	4. bringing
5. (should) clean 	6. (should) finish 	7. (should) take 	8. going
9. making 	10. Studying
1.	Peter suggested that I (should) study hard before the important exams.
2.	He suggested going to the cinema at the weekend.
3.	My mother suggested I (should) go to bed early if I don’t want to be tired.
4.	I suggested (that) the government (should) limit the number of visitors every day.
5.	My friend suggested going on holiday this summer.
6.	The students suggested helping the poor in the countryside.
7.	May suggested Babara (should) put a better lock on the door.
8.	He suggested controlling the deforestation to conserve the forest.
9.	They suggested recycling things to protect our environment.
10.	The man suggested inviting some more guests.
l. B	2. D	3. A	4. B	5. B	6. C	7. D	8. C

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