Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Recipes and eating habits


I. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.

Vietnamese Cooking Habits

The Vietnamese prefer fresh foods, and will rarely (1) _______________ ready-made or frozen food. Since Viet Nam is an agricultural country, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits (2) _______________Viet Nam also has a long coastal line, which means there are many kinds of (3) _______________available.

Vietnamese households also prefer cooking and eating at (4) _______________. As Viet Nam is originally an agricultural country, its culture is a community (5)_______________. Therefore, a family may have several (6) _______________ , and meals are family affairs. (7)_______________they may eat out with their friends after work to (8)_______________ those relationships, they still join their families’ meals later in the evening.


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y performed at Mid-Autumn Festival, where the dancers__________________ dance to drum music. (SKILL)
12. There has been a sharp__________________ in the number of vehicles in Ha Noi. (INCREASE)
13. Teenagers nowadays__________________ their feelings and emotions by posting them on facebook. (PUBLIC)
14. Viet Nam had experienced decades of fighting for freedom before the country became totally__________________. (INDEPENDENCE)
15. She often__________________ her children by telling them stories before they go to bed. (ENTERTAINMENT)
16. English is such an __________________ language that learning it well birings studentsgreat advantages. (NATION)
17. In the first place, because English is often included in learning programs, a good	of __________________it helps to meet a compulsory requirement in many schools and universities. (KNOW)
18. Another benefit of learning English lies in exploring more subjects and __________________. (INFORM)
19. There are a huge number of materials written in English, so this language __________________ me to gain further knowledge about all aspects of life. (ABLE)
20. English guarantees a high-paid job since most companies prefer employees with English ability to __________________ with foreigners when necessary. (COMMUNICATION)
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. You must (wash)______________the vegetables carefully if you (want) ______________to eat them raw.
2. If I (be) ______________you, I (exercise) ______________more often.
3. If she (like) ______________eating spicy food, you may (add)______________chili.
4. (Heat)______________the butter in a deep pan before (add)______________the celery.
5. (Go)______________to the gym and you (become)______________stronger.
6. We must (slice)______________the cucumber just before the meal if we serve it with main dishes.
7. If Kim (dip)______________some sticks of long biscuits into milk, they might be tastier.
8. If you make a crème caramel, you should (whisk)______________a dozen of eggs.
9. To make the pasta more tasty, my mum (often/sprinkle)______________some cheese over it.
10. While Tim was pouring a glass of milk, I (spread)______________the jam on a slide of bread.
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals
1. If she (need) ______________ the recipe, she can ask me.
2. If you (not go) ______________ away, I’ll send for the police.
3. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) ______________ about this.
4. If we leave the car here, it (not be) ______________ in anybody's way.
5. He'll be late for the train if he (not start) ______________ at one.	
6. If he (go) ______________ on telling lies, nobody will believe a word he says.
7. Unless they (sell) ______________more, they won't get much commission.
8. Well have to move upstairs if the river (rise) ______________ any higher.
9. If we (work) ______________ hard today, can we have a day off tomorrow?
10. If the house burns down, we (claim) ______________compensation.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. By the age of 25, Mr. Brown (own) ___________ a large house and two expensive car.
2. I (expect) ___________ that May would come before she (tell)	 ___________ me that she couldn’t afford time.
3. It (be) ___________ very difficult for me (carry) ___________ 	this project before my professor (give) ___________ some advice.
4. Yesterday, my mom (be) ___________ very angry (find) ___________ out that I (not do) ___________ the laundry yet.
5. ___________ (you/ stay) in your room before you mother (find) ___________ you?
6. By the time we (arrive) ___________ at the station, the train (already leave) ___________ for 15 minutes.
7. When Jim (come) ___________ home, he (be) ___________ angry (realize) ___________ that someone (break) ___________ into his house.
8. ___________ (it/be) hard for you (understand) ___________ 	the lesson yesterday?
9. As soon as the teacher (walk) ___________ into the classroom, she (be) ___________ surprised that her students (prepare) ___________ a birthday present for her.
10. ___________ (you/ be) confident that you would win the competition?
IV. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. If we send an invitation, our friends (come) ______________ to our party.
2. He doesn’t understand you if you (whisper) ______________	
3. She will forget to pick you up if you (not phone) ______________ her.
4. If you press “CTRL + S”, you (save) ______________ the file.
5. I will remember you if you (give) ______________ me a photo.
6. Fred will answer the phone if his wife (have)	 ______________ a bath.
7. If Claire wears this dress at the party, her friends (be) ______________ happy.
8. If I touch this snake, my girlfriend (not scream) ______________
9. If he (study) ______________ harder, he can pass an exam.
10. She may be late if she (not hurry) ______________
11. Tell him to ring me if you (see) ______________ him.
12. If you are kind to me, I (be) ______________ good to you.
13. If he (give) ______________ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again.
14. You (not pass)	______________ your driving test unless you drive more carefully.
15. He’ll be ill if he (not stop) ______________ worrying so much.
16. Jane never (get) ______________ there on time if the train leaves soon.
17. I’ll be very angry if he (make)	______________ any more mistakes.
18. If he (wash) ______________ my car I’ll give him $10.
19. If he (not eat) ______________ all, he will be ill.
20. If you (not finish) ______________ your homework, you can’t play computer games.
I. Choose the underlined word or phrase marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
1.	If someone came into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
	A	 B	 C	 D
2.	If you try these cosmetics, you look five years younger.
	A	B	 C	 D
3.	If you do not understand what were written in the book, you could ask Mr. Pike.
	A	 B	 C	 D
4.I will come to meet Mr. Pike and tell him about your problems if you didn’t solve them yourself.
	A	 B	 C	 D
5.	Sam will not graduate unless he doesn’t pass all the tests.
	A	 B	 C D
6.	If there isn’t enough food, we couldn’t continue our journey.
	A	 B	 C	 D
7.	Unless you pour oil on water, it will float.
	A	 B	 C	 D
8.	The assistant asked Helen whether those shoes was too small for her.
	A	 B	 C	 D
9.	If anyone will phone, tell them I’ll be back at 11:00.
	A	B	 C	 D
10.	We can hire a minibus if there will be enough people.
	 A	B	 C	 D
11. If John make soup, he can chop the kohlrabi into chunks rather than slice it. 
 A	 B	 C D
12. My mum might roast a chicken if she heard that you will come for lunch. 
 A	 B	 C	 D
13. Unless you use a bottle of oil, you cannot deep-dry two kilos of chicken wing. 
 A 	 B	 C	 D
14. You must steamed the dim sum in thirty minutes, or else it is still raw. 
 A	 B	 C	 D
15. If it is my birthday, my mum would simmer some kilos of beef bones to make broth.
 A	 B	 C D
16. You have eat nutritious things to stay healthy. 
 A	 B	C	D
17. I fall in love with curry immediately and eat a small portion. I’m so full up now. 
 A	 B	 C	 D
18. She was afraid that my mom would get angry because there were dark splash of mud on her skirt. A	 B	 C	 D
19. You have to improve your cooking skills if you want attend this cooking class. 
 A	 B C	 D
20. What will happen if we cooked the dish too long? 
 A	 B	 C	 D
I. Fill in each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word.
Vietnamese Cooking Habits
The Vietnamese prefer fresh foods, and will rarely (1) _______________	ready-made or frozen food. Since Viet Nam is an agricultural country, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits (2) _______________Viet Nam also has a long coastal line, which means there are many kinds of (3) _______________available.
Vietnamese households also prefer cooking and eating at (4)	_______________. As Viet Nam is originally an agricultural country, its culture is a community (5)_______________. Therefore, a family may have several (6) _______________	, and meals are family affairs. (7)_______________they may eat out with their friends after work to (8)_______________ those relationships, they still join their families’ meals later in the evening.
II. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Healthy foods are good for you! They help your body grow. They also give you energy to work and play.
How do you know which foods to eat? Follow the food pyramid. Use it to make good choices.
The grains group gives you energy. Make sure at least half the grains you eat are whole grains. Eat brown rice, oatmeal, and popcorn. Try whole-wheat bread instead of white bread.
Colour your plate with all kinds of veggies. They help your heart, eyes, ị skin, and teeth. Experts say to eat a rainbow of colours. Each colour helps the body in a different way. Much on carrots, com, and broccoli.
Meat and Beans
The meat and beans group is high protein. That helps build strong muscles. Eat fish, chicken, lima beans, and nuts.
Fruits are nature’s treats. They are sweet and tasty. They help your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth too. Eat a variety of colours. Try an apple or a banana. You can also mix pieces of different fruits to make a salad.
Have milk and foods made with milk. Those foods are high in calcium. Calcium builds strong bones.
Foods made with milk can be high in fat. Try: low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Your body needs only a little oil to keep it healthy. Some foods that have oils are nuts, tuna fish, and salad dressing.
1.	What food group mentioned in the article builds muscles?
A.	Meat and beans	B. Vegetables	C. Grains	D. Fruits and oils
2.	Which of the food groups does your body need at least amount of?
A.	Grains	B. Vegetables	C. Fruits	D. Oils
3.	If your bones are weak, what should you eat or drink more of?
A.	Whole grains	B. Milk and milk products
C. Meat and Beans	D. Nuts and tuna fish
4.	What is the passage mainly about?
A.	The method of mixing different fruits to make a salad.
B.	Vegetables help your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth.
C.	Eating meat and chicken gives you more protein.
D.	The various food groups and the benefits of eating well.
5.	Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.	Whole-meal bread is better than white bread.
B.	You should eat more broccoli and corn and carrot.
C.	Milk products are high in calcium and low in fat.
D.	Fruits are important for your heart, eyes, skin, and teeth.
III. Read the text, and identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).
Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the north to the south. In Northern Viet Nam, Vietnamese food is characterized by light and balanced flavours with the combination of many ingredients. Northerners have been using many kinds of meats like pork, beef, and chicken to cook; besides, some kinds of freshwater fish, crustaceans, and other mollusks like shrimps, crabs, and oysters, etc. Many famous dishes of Viet Nam are cooked with these ingredients such as Bun Rieu, Pho, Bun Thang, Bun Cha, Banh Cuon, etc.
Then, food culture in Central and Southern Viet Nam has developed suitable flavors in each region. In Central Viet Nam, the regional cuisine of Central Viet Nam is famous for its spicy food, which differs
from two other parts with mostly non-spicy food. Hue cuisine is typical Central Viet Nam’s food culture. Dishes of Hue cuisine are decorative and colorful, which expresses the influence of the Vietnamese royal cuisine in the feudal period. Food in the region is often decorated sophisticatedly and used with chili peppers and shrimp sauces, manely, Bun Bo Hue, Banh xeo, or Banh beo, etc.
In Southern Viet Nam, the region is characterized by warm weather and fertile soil, which creates favorable conditions for planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and live stock. Thus, food in the region is often added with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs. Particularly, Southerners are favored of sugar; they add sugar in most dishes. Here, there is also an influence of western and Asian cuisines on southern food, such as influences from China, India, France, and Thailand.

1. Vietnamese food is rich in flavours and ingredients.

2. Vietnamese food cuisine differs from region to region.

3. Dishes in the north are often spicy with shrimps, crabs, and oysters.

4. Hue cuisine reflects the Vietnamese royal cuisine.

5. Hue dishes used to be decorated sophisticatedly in the feudal period.

6. We can easily see the Western-style food in Central Viet Nam.

7. Maybe people from other regions feel that southern dishes are sweet.

8. Food in Central Viet Nam is used with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs.

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.
Worst effects of fast food
Fast food can be defined as any food that contributes little or no nutrient value to the diet, but instead provides excess calories and fat. Fast food can a good way to save time, but it is not the (1)__________ way for nutrition because it can have negative effects (2) _________ our health.
Obesity means having too much body fat. Fast food is high (3) _________calories and sugar that contribute to increased-weight gain. Even small amount of fast food can (4) _________ your calorie intake considerably. Fast foods are less (5) _________ to eat fruits, vegetables, milk etc. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity.
Heart disease
Eating fast food four (6) _________ more times a week can increase the risk of dying from heart disease because of the high (7) _________of saturated or trans fats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and, over time, (8) _________ to high cholesterol levels.
Type 2 diabetes
This type of diabetes is often caused by (9) _________ lifestyle choices, such as being overweight and not being physically active. There is a side effect to consuming frequent amounts (10) _________ fast food ‘obesity’ which can lead to the development of diabetes.
1. A. similar
B. proper
C. typical
D. sticky
2. A. on
B. for
C. of
D. to
3. A. for
B. in
C. of
D. to
4. A. decrease
B. rise
C. increase
D. complete
5. A. able
B. likely
C. likable
D. possible
6. A. either
B. but
C. and
D. or
7. A. level
B. number
C. lots
D. portion
8. A. contribute
B. build
C. manage
D. result
9. A. healthy
B. good
C. poor
D. rich
10. A. to
B. of
C. for
D. on

V. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Breakfasts around the world
In Russia, breakfast is a big meal. Many people eat black bread or blinis - a kind of pancake. Sausages, fried eggs and cheese are typical accompaniments. Some Russians eat a cereal called kasha. This is usually eaten hot with a soft cheese or sour cream, rather than milk. The most popular drink is very strong black tea.
In China, people eat breakfast very early in the morning. Dishes are different in every region, but the meal is usually similar to lunch or dinner - rice with vegetables or meat, pancakes, soup, and noodles. The Chinese do drink a lot of tea, but the don’t usually drink tea with breakfast.
Breakfast isn’t a big meal in Greece. Most people start the day with a coffee, which is usually served black, in tiny cups, with or without sugar. They may have something small to eat as well such as fresh fruit and yogurt, or a grilled roll. 
More common, however, is the Greek custom of a midmoming kolatsio or snack - often a pastry or bread with meat or cheese.
The Australian breakfast is very similar to breakfast in the U.K - bacon, eggs, toast with butter and jam, cereal with milk, and tea or coffee. There are, however, some very Australian additions, such as toast with Vegemite, a black salty spread, or tropical fruits.

1. Some Russian people eat hot cereal with milk.

2. Chinese people eat similar dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. It is common for Chinese to have tea with breakfast.

4. People in Greece don’t have a light breakfast.

5. Australian breakfast is similar to that in Britain.

I. Complete the sentences based on the words given. You can add extra words or make changes.
1. If / you / come / Viet Nam / you / should / try / pho / . / It / really / delicious /.
2. You / can’t / have / good / health / unless / exercise / more. 
3. You / should / stop / eat / sweets / if / want / have / toothache. 
4. Young / children / should / allow / watch / TV / more / 3 hours / day. 
5. Mai / can / concentrate / learning / unless / her / brother / stop / make / noise. 
6. Students / must / follow / school / rules / if / they / want / get / trouble. 
7. When / you / grow / up / you / will / know / importance / family / meals. 
8. We / should / skip / breakfast / because /it / important / health. 
9. Unless / she / change / diet / she / will / get / ill. 
10. If / Anna / busy / can / you / help / me / cook / curry? 
II. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. If you cook the vegetables too long, the vitamins in it will be destroyed. 
→ Cooking__________________________________________________________	
2. They are preparing your food right now.
→ Your_____________________________________________________________ 	
3. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.
→ If you____________________________________________________________	
4. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.
→ Let’s_____________________________________________________________	
5. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
→ This is____________________________________________________________	
6. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
→ The onion_________________________________________________________ 	
7. Eating healthy foods is very important.
→ It is______________________________________________________________ 	
8. The rice must be cleaned before cooking.
→ You______________________________________________________________ 	
9. They think the café will be busy all year.
→ The______________________________________________________________ 	
10. It’s necessary to order the paella in advance. 
→ The paella_____________________________________________________
III. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
1. There/ nothing more appetizing/ smell of meat sizzling over an open fire.
2. Some people/ eat barbecue/ because/ it/ let/ together with friends or family/make/ feel more sociable.
3. People often/ barbecue/ national holidays/ special occasions/ birthday/ family gathering.
4. In the United States, it/ tradition/ have a barbecue/ hamburgers and hot dogs/ Independence Day, July 4th.
5. If you/ chance to visit/ different places/ world, you/ try/ local specialities.

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