Đề cương ôn tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Học kì I


1. Thay đổi động từ trong câu tường thuật

Động từ tường thuật là động từ giới thiệu câu nói trực tiếp hay câu nói gián tiếp. Khi đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, động từ tường thuật được thay đổi tùy theo trường hợp cụ thể. Dưới đây là các động tường thuật dùng trong câu:

Said → said that

Said to sb → told sb

Ex: - He said, “I am twenty years old.”

 He said that he was twenty years old.

- He said to me, “I work in a factory.”

 He told me that he worked in a factory.

2. Thay đổi thì trong câu tường thuật:

Khi động từ tường thuật ở các thì quá khứ, chúng ta đổi thì trong câu gián tiếp như sau:


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 chấp nhận, đối mặt, giải quyết
- figure out: suy ra, tìm ra
- find out: tìm ra, phát hiện
- get along/ get along with somebody: hợp nhau/ hợp với ai
- get in: đi vào (xe oto, taxi)
- get off: xuống xe
- get on: đi lên (xe buýt, tàu, xe máy, )
- get on: tiến bộ = to make progress
- get on with sb: hòa hợp, hòa thuận với ai
- get out: đi ra ngoài, cút ra ngoài
- get over sth: vượt qua, khỏi (bệnh), chấp nhận 
- get rid of sth: từ bỏ cái gì = do away with
- get up: thức dậy (ra khỏi giường rồi)
- give up (on) sth: từ bỏ
- go around: đi vòng vòng
- go down: giảm, đi xuống
- go off: reo, đổ chuông, nổ (bom), ôi thiu (thức ăn, sữa,,.)
- go on: tiếp tục = carry on, keep on
- go out: đi ra ngoài, đi chơi
- go over: kiểm tra = examine
- go up: tăng, đi lên
- grow up: lớn lên, trưởng thành
- help someone out: giúp đỡ ai
- hold on: đợi tí = hang on
- keep on doing sth: tiếp tục làm gì
- keep up sth: hãy tiếp tục phát huy
- let somebody down: làm cho ai thất vọng
- look after someone: chăm sóc ai đó
- look around: nhìn xung quanh
- look at sth/sb: nhìn vào
- look down on sb: khinh thường ai đó 
- look for s.o/sth: tìm kiếm ai/ cái gì
- look forward to sth/ look forward to doing sth: mong mỏi, trông mong điều gì, làm gì
- look into sth: nghiên cứu, xem xét, điều tra cái gì
- look sth up: tra cứu, tra nghĩa từ nào đó
- look up to sb: tôn trọng ai đó
- live on: sống nhờ, phụ thuộc vào (khoản thu nhập, hỗ trợ)
- make sth up: bịa, chế ra điều gì đó = invent
- make up one’s mind: quyết định
- pass down: lưu truyền (thế hệ này sang thế hệ khác)
- pick someone up: đón ai
- pick sth up: lượm, nhặt cái gì lên
- move on to sth: chuyển tiếp sang cái gì 
- put sth down: ghi chú cái gì
- put someone down: hạ thấp, đánh giá thấp ai đó
- put someone off: làm ai mất hứng, không vui
- put sth off: trì hoãn, tạm dừng việc gì
- put sth on: mặc cái gì
- put sth away: cất cái gì đó đi
- put up with sb/sth; chịu đựng, tha thứ cho ai, cái gì
- pull down: phá hủy, đập, dở bỏ
- run into sb/sth: tình cờ gặp, vô tình gặp thấy ai, cái gì = come across/ bump into
- run out: cạn kiệt, hết = to be used up
- run out of sth: hết thứ gì 
- set sb up: gài tội ai
- set up sth: thành lập, thiết lập cái gì
- set off/out for somewhere: khởi hành đi đâu
- settle down: ổn định cuộc sống tại chỗ nào đó
- show off: khoe khoang = boast off
- show up: xuất hiện, có mặt = turn up
- show sb around: dẫn ai đi tham quan xung quanh
- slow down: chậm lại
- speed up: tăng tốc
- stand for: viết tắt chữ gì
- take away: lấy đi, mang đi
- take sth away from sb: lấy đi, tước đoạt đi cái gì của ai = deprive sth of sb
- take off: cất cánh (máy bay), trở nên thịnh hành, được ưa chuộng (ý tưởng, sản phẩm)
- take sth off: cởi cái gì đó
- take over: tiếp quản, kế tục, giành lấy, kế thừa
- take on: đảm nhận, gánh vác
- tell someone off: la rầy ai đó
- think over: cân nhắc, suy nghĩ kỹ, xem xét = consider
- turn around: quay đầu lại
- turn down: vặn nhỏ
- turn sth/s.o down: từ chối, loại cái gì, ai đó
- turn off: tắt
- turn on: bật, mở
- turn up: vặn lớn lên
- turn up: đến, có mặt, xuất hiện = show up
- wake up: (tự) thức dậy (còn nằm trên giường)
- wake someone up: đánh thức ai dậy
- warm up: khởi động. hâm nóng (thức ăn)
- wear out: mòn, làm mòn
- work out: tập thể dục, có kết quả tốt đẹp
- work sth out: suy ra được cái gì
1. Short, Long and Special adjectives/ adverbs: (Tính từ/ Trạng từ dài, ngắn và đặc biệt)
a/ Short adjectives: are adjectives with
- one syllable (1 âm tiết): long , short, big, hot, fat ..
- two syllables (2 âm tiết) with the endings: - y.	E.g: happy, lazy, busy, .......
F Short adverbs: are adverbs with one syllable: hard, late, soon, ... and the adverb “early”
b/ Long adjectives: Two syllables up (Từ 2 âm tiết trở lên), and those ended with (tận cùng là) –ed.
E.g: careful, beautiful, hard-working, careless, complicated, bored 
* Note: Các tính từ có tận cùng là đuôi -er, -le, -ow, and -et, được xem như vừa ngắn vừa dài.
E.g: clever, simple, narrow, quiet, 
F Long adverbs: are adverbs with two syllables up EXCEPT FOR early and badly
c/ Special adjectives/ adverbs: are those whose comparative pattern are different from that of Short and Long adjectives/ adverbs. This group consists of: good, bad, well, ill, old, far (adj), and well, badly, far, little, much (adv)
2. Degrees of comparisons:
1. Equal degree
(So sánh bằng)
Unequal degree
(So sánh không bằng)
 Q S1 + be/ V + as + adj / adv + as + S2 + aux (trợ động từ)
 E.g: He is as old as my father.
 He drives as carefully as I (do).
Q S + be/V + the same+( noun) as + noun (pronoun)
 My house is as high as yours
 My house is the same height as yours.
* Notes:( Tinh tu va danh Adj	Noun
 tu tuong ung) - heavy, light	weight
 - wide, narrow	width
 - deep, shallow	depth
 - long, short	length
 - big, small	size
 - old	age
 Q S1 + V (phủ định) + as/so + adj/adv + as + S2 + aux
 E.g: He is not as/so old as my father.
 He doesn’t drive as/so carefully as I (do).
2. Comparatives
(So sánh hơn)

 Q S1 + be/ V + adj/ adv (short) + er + than + S2 + aux
 E.g: You are thinner than he (is).
 He runs faster than I (do).
 Q S1 + be/V + more + adj/ adv (long) + than + S2 + aux
 E.g: He is more intelligent than I (am).
 He drives more carefully than I (do).

3. Superlatives
(So sánh nhất)
 Q S + be/V + the + adj/ adv (short) + est + (noun + in/of ..)
 E.g: Nam is the tallest student in my class.
 Cheetah runs (the) fastest in the world.
 Q S + be/ V + the most + adj/ adv(long) + (noun + in/of ..)
 E.g: He is the most intelligent student in my class.
 Of the students in my class, Nam speaks English (the) most fluently.

4. Double comparatives
(So sánh kép)
 Q The adj/ adv (comparative) + S + V, the + adj/ adv (comparative) + S + V (càng càng)
E.g: The more beautiful she is, the more modest she becomes.
 The harder he studies, the wiser he becomes.
Q The more + Noun + S + V, the more + Noun + S + V (càng càng)
E.g: The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.
 Q More and more + adj/ adv (long)
 Adj/ adv (short) + er and adj (short) + er: càng ngày càng ...
E.g: Life in the city is more and more stressful.
 They work harder and harder.

5. Less & Least comparisons
(So sánh kém hơn và kém nhất)
 Q S1 + be/ V + less + adj/ adv + than + S2
 Q S + be/ V + the least adj/ adv
 E.g: This film is less interesting than the one I saw yesterday.
 He works least effectively in our group.
6. Comparions with nouns
(Các hình thức so sánh với danh từ)
 Q S1 + V + as many/ much + N as S2 + aux
 S1 + V (p.định) as/ so few/ little + N as S2 + aux
 E.g He earns as much money as I do.
 I don’t have as/ so many friends as he does.
 Q S1 + V + more/ fewer/ less + N + than S2 + aux
 E.g He has collected more stamps than I have.
 I have collected fewer stamps than he has.
 Q S + V + most/ fewest/ least + N
 E.g I have least free time in my family.
* Note: 1/ Chúng ta sử dụng hình thức so sánh bằng khi muốn nhấn mạnh vật này/ người này hơn vật kia người kia gấp bao nhiêu lần. 
 S + be + twice/three times/ four times/ . + as + adj + as + noun/ pronoun + aux
E.g: Her husband is twice as old as she (is).
S + verb + twice/three times/ four times/ . + as + much/many +(noun) + as + noun/ pronoun + aux
E.g: I earn three times as much money as he (does).
	2/ Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng những từ nhấn mạnh như: much, a lot, far, slightly, a bit, no, any, ... trước các hình thức so sánh hơn
E.g: Her husband is much/ far/ a lot/... older than her. (Chồng cô ấy lớn tuổi hơn cô ấy nhiều)
	We feel a bit/ a little/ slightly tired after the trip. (Chúng tôi cảm thấy hơi mệt sau chuyến đi)
	3/ Ta có thể sử dụng the second, the third, trước hình thức so sánh nhất để thể hiện thứ bậc
	E.g: Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. (Osaka là thành phố lớn thứ hai ở Nhật Bản)
	4/ Ta cũng có thể dùng by far (hơn nhiều, hơn hẳn) để nhấn mạnh so sánh nhất
	E.g: Army is by far the smartest. (Army thông minh nhất, hơn mọi người nhiều)
Special adjectives/ adverbs: 
Equal degree
bad/badly/ ill
Tồi, dở, tệ, kém/ ốm yếu
good/ well
Tốt, giỏi, khỏe
farther/ further
farthest/ furthest
Xa (distance) / Rộng (range)
older/ elder
oldest/ eldest
Già, cũ (for all)/ (brother/ sister)
	E.g: Ms Anh is better at cooking than Ms Nhung.
1. Thay đổi động từ trong câu tường thuật
Động từ tường thuật là động từ giới thiệu câu nói trực tiếp hay câu nói gián tiếp. Khi đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, động từ tường thuật được thay đổi tùy theo trường hợp cụ thể. Dưới đây là các động tường thuật dùng trong câu:
Said 	→ said that
Said to	 sb	→ told sb
Ex: - He said, “I am twenty years old.”
 He said that he was twenty years old.
- He said to me, “I work in a factory.”
 He told me that he worked in a factory.
2. Thay đổi thì trong câu tường thuật:
Khi động từ tường thuật ở các thì quá khứ, chúng ta đổi thì trong câu gián tiếp như sau:
Simple present (V(s/es))
® Simple past (V2/ed )
Simple past (V2/ed)
® Past perfect ( had + V3/ed )
Simple future (will/ shall + V0 )
® Future in the past ( would/ should + V0 )
Present continuous (am/is/are + V-ing)
® Past continuous (was/ were + V-ing )
Past continuous (was/were + V-ing)
® Past perfect continuous / past continuous
Future continuous (will + be + V-ing)
® Future continuous in the past (would + be + V-ing)
Present perfect (have/has + V3/ed)
® Past perfect (had + V3/ed)
Past perfect (had + V3/ed)
® Past perfect (had + V3/ed)
Future perfect (will + have + V3/ed)
® Future perfect in the past (would + have + V3/ed)
® could
® might
® had to
	Ex: 	He said, “I am a taxi driver.”
	 He said that he was a taxi driver.
	He said, “I am living in London.”
	 He said that he was living in London.
	He said, “I have visited many famous places.”
	He said that he had visited many famous places.
	He said, “I visited The Great Wall in China.”
	He said that he had visited The Great Wall in China.
	He said, “I will look for a better job.”
	 He said he would look for a better job.
 “I must go now,” Alice said. → Alice said that he had to go at that time. 
	She said, “I can swim.” 
	She said she could swim.
3. Thay đổi về đại từ nhân xưng, đại từ sở hữu, tính từ sở hữu:
Câu trực tiếp
Câu gián tiếp
Ngôi thứ nhất
Đôỉ thành ngôi của người nói (cùng ngôi với chủ từ trong mệnh đề chính
Ngôi thứ hai
Đổi thành ngôi của người nghe (cùng ngôi với tân ngữ trong mệnh đề chính)
Ngôi thứ ba
Không thay đổi
Ex: 	He said, “I like my job.”
	 He said that he like his job.
	He said to me, “You look like my sister.”
	He told me that I looked like his siter.
4. Thay đổi từ chỉ định, các trạng từ và cụm từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn:
then, at that time, immediately
that day
the day before, the previous day
the next day, the following day, the day after
this year / month / week
that year / month / week 
last night / year / month / week
the night / year / month / week before;
the previous night / year / month / week. 
next year / month / week
the year / month / week after; 
the following year / month / week.
a year / month / week ago
a year / month / week before; 
a year / month / week earlier
The day before yesterday
Two days before
The day after tomorrow
Two days after
That night
	Ex: 	He said, “I am working hard today.”
	 He said that he was working hard that day.
	They said, “We went to work late yesterday.”
	They said that they had gone to work late the day before.
Tóm tắt
Câu gián tiếp
(Câu phát biểu)
* S + said + (that) + S + V
* S + told + O + (that) + S + V
He said, “I have just bought a computer today.”
He said that he had just bought a computer that day.
Linda said, “There is someone at the door, Bill.”
Linda told Bill that there was someone at the door.
(Câu mệnh lệnh)
* S + told/asked + O + to V(inf)
* S + told /asked+ O + not + to V0
Dick said to Jim: “Please open the window.” 
® Dick told Jim to open the window.
Mother said, “Tim, go to bed early.” 
® Mother told Tim to go to bed early.
Father said to Liz: “Don’t come home late.” 
® Father told Liz not to come home late.
Mary angrily said: “Never smoke in my room.” 
® Mary told us not to smoke in her room.
“Would you turn on the radio, please?” She asked. 
® She asked me to turn on the radio.
“Could you lend me some money, please?” He asked. ®He asked me to lend him some money.

(Câu hỏi nội dung)
* S + asked + (O) + wh- + S + V
* S + wondered + wh- + S + V
* S + wanted to know + wh- + S + V
He said to them, “Where are you going?”
- He asked them where they were going.
The teacher said, “When do you do your homework, Tom?”
- The teacher asked Tom when he did his homework.
The tourist said to me, “How often does the train get in?”
- The tourist asked me how often the train got in.

Yes-no questions
(Câu hỏi có không)
* S + asked + (O) + if / whether + S + V
* S + wondered + if /whether + S + V
* S + wanted to know + if / whether + S + V
He said to me, “Are you from Canada?”
- He asked me if/whether I was from Canada.
The man said to her, “Did Bill tell you my address?”
- The man asked her if/whether Bill had told her his address.
The girl said, “Do you live near here, David?”
- She asked David if/whether he lived near there.
(Tường thuật câu hỏi với các từ để hỏi đứng trước to-inf)
- Dạng tường thuật này thường đi kèm với các động từ: ASK, WONDER, (NOT) BE SURE, HAVE NO IDEA (KHÔNG BIẾT), (NOT) KNOW, (NOT) DECIDE, (NOT) TELL.
WH-QUESTIONS: S + Verb (ask, wonder,..) + (O) + Wh-question + to-inf
*Ngoại trừ WHY không thể đi kèm với to-inf
Ex: “What should I do” she said à She wondered what to do.
	We don’t know who we should contact à We don’t know who to contact
	I have no idea where I can get this information à I have no idea where to get this information
YES-NO QUESTIONS: S + verb (ask, wonder,..) + (O) + WHETHER + To-inf
* Dạng này không thể dùng với IF
Ex: “Should I tell my parents what I really think?” She wondered
à She wondered whether to tell her parents what she really thought.
1. Tường thuật mệnh lệnh: told sb (not) to do sth.
“Put your books away,” said the teacher.
š The teacher told us to put our books away.
2. Tường thuật lời yêu cầu: asked sb (not) to do sth.
“Please, don’t smoke in this room,” said the clerk.
š The clerk asked me not to smokr in that room.
3. Tường thuật lời khuyên: advised sb (not) to do sth.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much wine,” he said.
š He advised me not to drink so much wine.
4. Tường thuật lời hứa: promised to do sth.
“ I’ll give you a hand, if you like,” said Darian.
š Darain promised to give me a hand, if I liked.
5. Tường thuật lời đe dọa: threaten to do sth’.
“Get out or I’ll call the police,” said the woman.
š The woman threatened to call the police if he didn’t get out.
6. Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb (not) to do sth.
“Don’t touch that wire,” he said.
š He warned me not to touch that wire.
7. Tường thuật lời mời: invited sb to do sth.
“Come for inner with us tonight, will you?” Bill said.
š Bill invited me to come for dinner with them that night.
8. Tường thuật lời nhắc nhở: reminded sb to do sth.
“Remember to pot my letter on your way,” Wendy said.
š Wendy reminded me to post her letter on my way.
9. Tường thuật lời động viên: encouraged sb to so sth.
“Go heard, you must enter for the contest, Jill!” said Pam.
š Pam encouraged Jill to enter for the contest.
10. Tường thuật lời khẩn cầu: begged sb to do sth.
“Please, do me a favor,” said the beggar to Carol.
š The beggar begged Carol to do him a favor.
11. Tường thuật lời tự nguyện: offered to do sth.
“Shall I help you with the housework?” said Tim to hiss wife.
š Tim offered to help his wife with the housework.
12. Tường thuật sự đồng ý: agreed to do sth.
“OK, I’ll take you to work in my car, Sue” said Carl.
š Carl agreed to take Sue to work in his car.
1. Tường thuật lời buộc tội: accused sb of doing sth.
“You damaged my new laptop, Dan,”said Susan.
š Suasan accused Dan of damaging her new laptop.
2. Tường thuật lời thú nhận: admitted doing/having done sth.
“I didn’t tell you he truth, Ron,” said Kim.
š Kim admitted not telling/not having told Ron the truth.
3. Tường thuật lời phủ nhận: denied doing/having done sth.
“I didn’t break that vase,” said Tom.
š Tom denided breaking /having broken that vase.
4. Tường thuật lời xin lỗi: apolozied (to sb) for doing sth.
“I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting,” said Amanda
š Amanda apolozied for having kept me waiting.
5. Tường thuật lời khen: congratulated sb on doing sth.
“Congratulations! You won the game!” said the principal.
The principal congratulated the students on winning the game.
6. Tường thuật lời nài nỉ, khăng khăng: insisted on doing sth.
“I must pay for this damage,” the man said.
š The man insisted on paying for that weekend.
7. Tường thuật lời đề nghị: suggested doing sth.
“Let’s have a picnic this weekend,” Maud suggested.
š Maud suggested having a pinic that weekend.
8. Tường thuật lời cảm ơn: thanked sb for (doing sth).
“Thank you very much for your advice,” he said.
š He thanked me for my advise.
9. Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb against (doing) sth.
“Don’t invest in that business,” said my lawyer.
š My lawyer warned me against investing int hat business.
10. Tường thuật lời đỗ lỗi: blamed sb for (doing) sth.
“You are responsible for this failure,” said the director.
š The director blamed his deputy for that failure.
11. Tường thuật lời thú nhận: confessed to (doing) sth.
“It was me who stole the money,” said Jack.
š Jack confessed to stealing the money.
12. Câu cảm thán trong lời nói gián tiếp: (Exclamation in reported speech)
- Động từ tường thuật là: exclaim/shout 
 Ex: He said, “What a lovely garden they have”
 He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden.
- Các hình thức cảm thán bắt đầu bằng “what’ và “how” chuyển sang gián tiếp bằng:
 He said that it was  / hoặc He exclaimed that it was 
Ex 1: She said; “What a pity!” (Direct speech) -> She exclaimed that it was a pity
Ex 2: I said; “What a nice horse” -> I exclaimed that it was a nice horse
Ex 3: He said; “How beautiful she is!” -> He exclaimed that she was beautiful! 
Ex 4: “What a big egg” he said -> He said that it was a big egg.
Ex 5: “How dreadful!” he said -> He exclaimed that it was dreadful.
1. Một số độnh từ dùng để tường thuật infinitive:
Promise + to V0: hứa 
Agree + to V0 : đồng ý
Offer + to V0: ngỏ ý
Refuse + to V0: từ chối
Threaten + to V0: đe dọa
Beg sb + to V0 : van xin, cầu xin
Command sb + to V0 : lệnh
Forbid sb + to V0: cấm
Order sb + to V0: ra lệnh
Recommend sb + to V0: giới thiệu, đề nghị
Request sb + to V0: yêu cầu
Urge sb + to V0 : nài nỉ, cố thuyết phục 
Advise sb + to V0 : khuyên 
Ask sb + to V0 : yêu cầu ai làm gì
Encourage sb + to V0 : khuyến khích
Remind sb + to V0 : nhắc nhở 
Invite sb + to V0 : mời 
Tell sb + to V0 : bảo 
Warn sb + (not) to V0 : cảnh báo
2. Một số động từ dùng để tường thuật Gerund:
admit + Ving : thừa nhận đã làm việc gì
deny + Ving: phủ nhận đã làm việc gì
suggest + Ving: đề nghị làm việc gì
apologise (to sb) for + Ving: xin lỗi (ai)vì đã làm gì
insist on + Ving : khăng khăng đòi làm gì
dream of + Ving

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