Đề kiểm tra 45 phút lần 4 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Đề: Chẵn+Lẻ


Question 2:Choose the best answer A,B,C or D

1. .is a phone that uses a telephone line for transmission

A. smart phone B. landline phone C. chat room D. message board

2. Tonight at 9 p.m, my mom .a romantic film at home

a. will watch B. will be watched C. was watching D. will be watching

3. Do you want .a phone call to your parents?

a. having B. have C. to have D. had

4. We didn’t see you there. We tried to call you but couldn’t

A. show up B. get through C. oversleep D. communicate

5. .including Facebook, Youtube, etc, as a means of communication has become very popular among young children

A. emailing B. video chatting C. telepathy D. social media

Question 3: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others

1.A. allow B. follow C. yellow D. fellow

2.A. exhaust B. hour C. honest D. house

3. A. telepathy B. conference C. sensitive D. competitive

Question 4: Choose the word that has the different stress pattern

1.A. unkind B. kindness C. impure D. machine

2.A. impolite B. authority C. unhealthy D. repetative

3.A. ability B. impure C. possibility D. repetitive

4.A. unnecessary B. unimportant C. impatient D. unlimited


docx4 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 09/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 60 | Lượt tải: 0download
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Written Test- 45 minutes - N0 4
Fullname: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class: 8. . . . . . . . Đề chẵn
Question 1: Listen to the conversation and decide if the satements are true of false. 
1. Phuc, Mai and Nick wanted to see a film today at Galaxy cinema.

2. Only Nick watched the film.

3. Mai and Phuc could reach Nick on the phone.

4. Nick went wrong Galaxy cinema.

5. Nick will not be able to go to the cinema at 2.30 p.m.

Question 2: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 
1. A. telepathy 	 B. conference	 C. sensitive 	 D. competitive
2. A. barrier	 B. lack	 C. separation	 D. language
3. A. allow B. follow C. yellow D. fellow
Question 3: Choose the word that has the different stress pattern 
1. A. ability 	B. impure	C. possibility 	 D. repetitive 
2. A. unnecessary 	B. unimportant 	C. impatient 	 D. unlimited 
3. A. unkind B. kindness C. impure D. machine
4. A. impolite B. authority C. unhealthy D. repetative
Question 4:Choose the best answer A,B,C or D
1. We didn’t see you there. We tried to call you but couldn’t 
A. show up	B. get through 	 C. oversleep	D. communicate
2. .including Facebook, Youtube, etc, as a means of communication has become very popular among young children 
A. emailing 	B. video chatting	C. telepathy	D. social media
3. .is a phone that uses a telephone line for transmission 
A. smart phone	B. landline phone	C. chat room 	D. message board
4. Tonight at 9 p.m, my mom .a romantic film at home
a. will watch	B. will be watched 	C. was watching 	D. will be watching 
5. Do you want ..a phone call to your parents?
a. having 	B. have 	C. to have 	D. had
Question 5. Read this passage and answer the questions 
 Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors of the world. He was responsible for more than one thousand inventions including the electric light bulb and the record player. He also created the world’s first industrial research laboratory. 
 Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio, USA. When he was 10 years old, he set up asmallbaloratory after he had read a science book his mother showed him. I. 1869, he borrowed some money and began to make inventions. In 1876 he built a new laboratory so that he could spend all his time inventing . He planned to turn out minor inventions every ten days and “big trick” every six months. He developed many devices that brought great benefits to people’s life. He once said that the value of an idea lay in the using of it. Edison died in 1931, after having aremarkably productive life.
1.Who was Thomas Edison? ........................................................................................
2.When and where was he born? ........................................................................................
3.What did he invent? .........................................................................................
4.Did he build a new laboratory in 1876?........................................................................................
5.When did he die? .........................................................................................
Question 6: Change the following sentences into reported speech .
1. “I went to Thailand last week”
She said that.......................................................................................................................
2. “My mom will write a letter to me”.
Tom said that......................................................................................................................
3. “They are doing an experiment”
-> He said that.........
4. “ You have to sign the paper again”
-> She told me..............
Question 7: Rearrange these words to make a sentence(1 pt).
1. no pollution/ at all/ when /we are /There is/ riding bikes/.
2. have/We/to/decided/in Ho Chi Minh city/for 3 days./stay/
3.Life / Viet Nam / year 2035 / will /be / very / different / from / what / it / now.
4.Nick/ he / said/ wanted/ that/ in Viet nam/ to stay/ longer
Question 8:. Write about 4 or 6 lines to talk about the benefits of science and technology in study
The end!
Written Test- 45 minutes - N0 4
Fullname: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class: 8. . . . . . . . Đề lẻ
Question 1: Listen to the conversation and decide if the satements are true of false. 
1. Phuc, Mai and Nick wanted to see a film today at Galaxy cinema.

2. Only Nick watched the film.

3. Mai and Phuc could reach Nick on the phone.

4. Nick went wrong Galaxy cinema.

5. Nick will not be able to go to the cinema at 2.30 p.m.

Question 2:Choose the best answer A,B,C or D
1. .is a phone that uses a telephone line for transmission 
A. smart phone	B. landline phone	C. chat room 	D. message board
2. Tonight at 9 p.m, my mom .a romantic film at home
a. will watch	B. will be watched 	C. was watching 	D. will be watching 
3. Do you want ..a phone call to your parents?
a. having 	B. have 	C. to have 	D. had
4. We didn’t see you there. We tried to call you but couldn’t 
A. show up	B. get through 	C. oversleep	D. communicate
5. .including Facebook, Youtube, etc, as a means of communication has become very popular among young children 
A. emailing 	B. video chatting	C. telepathy	D. social media
Question 3: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 
1.A. allow B. follow C. yellow D. fellow
2.A. exhaust B. hour C. honest D. house
3. A. telepathy 	 B. conference	 C. sensitive 	D. competitive
Question 4: Choose the word that has the different stress pattern 
1.A. unkind B. kindness C. impure D. machine
2.A. impolite B. authority C. unhealthy D. repetative
3.A. ability 	B. impure	C. possibility 	D. repetitive 
4.A. unnecessary 	B. unimportant 	C. impatient 	 D. unlimited 
Question 5. Read this passage and answer the questions 
On March 3rd1847,ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL was born in EdinBurgh. He was a Scotsman although he later immigrated, first to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s. In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention the telephone. Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device which they first introduced in 1876. Bell said on the telephone: 'Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.' This was the first telephone message. Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and by 1877 the first telephone was in commercial use.
1.Where was Alexander Graham Bell born? ..............................................................................
2.Who did he work with at Boston University? ..............................................................................
3.What is the first telephone message? ...............................................................................
4.Was the device first introduced in 1875? ...............................................................................
5.Was the first telephone in commercial use by 1877? .....................................................................
Question 6: Change the following sentences into reported speech 
1. “They are doing an experiment”
-> She said that...........
2. “ You have to sign the paper again”
-> She told me..................
3. “I went to Thailand last week”
He said that..............................................................................................................................
4. “My mom will write a letter to me”.
Minh said that..........................................................................................................................
Question 7: Rearrange these words to make a sentence
1. no pollution/ at all/ when /we are /There is/ riding bikes/.
2. have/We/to/decided/in Ho Chi Minh city/for 3 days./stay/
3.Life / Viet Nam / year 2035 / will /be / very / different / from / what / it / now.
4.Nick/ he / said/ wanted/ that/ in Viet nam/ to stay/ longer
Question 8:. Write about 4 or 6 lines to talk about the benefits of science and technology in study
	The end!

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