Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề 12 đến 15

Part 2: Study these sentences and decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect. If the sentence is correct, make a tick (). If the sentence is incorrect, underline the mistake and provide the correct sentence.

2. Climb mountain is a dangerous sport.


4. The guide gives useful informations about the city.


5. She cleaned the house and after she ironed the clothes.


6. She both speaks and she writes French very well.


7. He is very mature despite of his age.


8. She sent to her teacher a beautiful Christmas.


10. When there are low sales, companies often decide to develop new products.


11. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.


12. Science and technology are part of the knowledges of educated people.


13. The food that mark is cooking in the kitchen smells delicious.


14. Everyone who takes the examination will receive their score reports in three weeks.


15. Tom spent such enjoyable holiday in Europe this summer that he plans to return as soon as he saves enough money.



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 add weight and texture.
 	Where do these fibers come from ? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.
1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by
 A. the Chinese B. the Egyptians C. ancient cultures D. foresters
2. What is the main ingredient in most paper ? 
 A. resin B. cardboard C. plant fiber D. papyrus 
3. According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is
 A. rags B. trees C. fabric D. wastepaper
4. According to the passage, recycling paper is
 A. bad for the environment C. good for the environment
 B. wasteful D. economical 
5. According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT
 A. reduce the need for ink C. save energy
 B. save forests D. reduce air pollution
IV. WRITING: (25 points)
Part 1: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning remains the same. 
The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day.	 → The lions 
We got lost because we didn't have a map.	→ If we 
I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday. → I would rather
 4. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn't go under it. → It was 
 5. That was a silly thing to say. → What 
 6. We've run out of tea. → There
 7. I last saw him when I was a student. → I haven't 
 8. Susan was too excited to sleep. → Susan was 
 9. Robert has not had a job for two years. → Robert has been 
 10. She will complete the work only she is paid extra.	 → She will not 
Part 2 Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences. 
 1. All the students love the principal. He is very kind. (because of)
 2. I have forgotten the tickets. I’m sorry for it. (having)
 3. I saw it with my own eyes. I believed it. (if)
 4. The house at the end of the street has been sold. It has been empty for years. (which)
 5. It's a pity he doesn't take the doctor's advice. (wish)
Part 1 : Match words from list A with words from list B to make compound nouns.
Compound noun
Card catalogue
Part 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense/form. 
When I (1) ...................... (go) to bed last night, I (2) ................. (fall) asleep immediately. I must have been tired because I (3) ......................... (work) so hard for several hours. So I forgot (4) ................ (close) the windows before (5) .......................... (get) into bed. If I had remembered, the thief (6) ..................... (not get in) but he (7) ..................... (give) a perfect opportunity (8) .................. (enter) the house. The next time I (9) .................. (work) late, I (10) .................. (lock) the house carefully.
III. READING: (25 points)
Part 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Do you want to be slim? Do you worry about your family's health? Then you should try Fruitibix, the new healthy fruit and nut biscuit. Fruitibix tastes wonderful, but it contains less sugar than most other biscuits. Each biscuit contains dried fruit and nuts, including apples, coconuts and bananas. Sometimes you feel like eating something between meals. Now, instead of having a chocolate, bite into a Fruitibix. It won't make you fat and it will keep you healthy.
At lunchtime, instead of chips and hamburgers, have a Fruitibix It contains all the essential foods for a balanced meal. And if you are in a hurry, and you don't have time for a proper meal, Fruitibix will give you the energy to keep on going. So whenever your children ask for something sweet, give them Fruitibix instead of cakes or chocolate. They will love the taste and it won't harm their teeth. Discover Fruitibix. It's on our supermarket shelves now!
1. This is 
	A. a letter	B. a magazine	C. a student's notebook	D. an advertisement
2. The writer wants to
	A.	persuade people to buy a product 	C. give advice about healthy living
	B. explain why people buy this product D.compare Fruitibix with other sorts of food
3. Why, in the writer's opinion, should people eat Fruitibix instead of chocolate
	A. Fruitibix tastes better than chocolate 	
	B. Fruitibix contains more fat than chocolate	
	C. Fruitibix is cheaper and easier to eat than	chocolate	
	D. Fruitibix is healthier and less fattening than chocolate
4. Why does the writer say that fruitibix is useful when you are in a hurry?
	A. You don't need to cook it. 	C. It's as good as a proper meal
	B. You can buy Fruitibix everywhere	D. It won't be harmful to your teeth
5. Which of these people should buy Fruitibix ?
	A. Mrs Brown is looking for something special to serve for dessert at a dinner party.
	B. Mr Green wants something to take with him to the office. He is busy today and 
 might not have time for lunch. 
	C. Mr Taylor is going on a fishing trip and wants to take something to eat with him. 
 He enjoys salty food. 	
	D.Mrs Brook's daughter was ill yesterday. She is getting better but the doctor advised 
 Mrs Brook to give her liquid food without any sugar or salt in it.
Part 2: Put ONE suitable word into each space 
 Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday (1)............. Friday. The maximum class size is twelve (2) .............. the average is ten. We use modern methods of (3) ............. and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorders. However, you will only be successful in improving (4) ............. English if you work hard and (5) ........ speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short (6) ............. in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a (7) ............. at the most suitable level.
 There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the other is for students who know only a little English. In both classes you will practise simple conversations. In the class (8) ............. the intermediate level you will have a lot of practice in communication in real-life situation because we help you to use the English you have previously (9) ............. in your own country, You will also have the chance to improve your (10) .............. of English grammar and to build up your vocabulary...
Part 3: Read the passage below and circle the answer A, B, C or D which fits best each gaps.
 How are things with you ? Since I saw you last, I have been very ill. By the time I arrived home after seeing you on Monday, I (1) ......... an awful headache.
 I thought that perhaps my eyes were tired (2) ......... I had been working so hard, so I took some aspirins and went to bed. However, when I woke up the next morning the headache was (3) ......... than ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my arms and legs (4) ........ stiff.
 I saw the doctor and she (5) ........ me I had a temperature. She said I probably had flu. She advised me to take some medicine and (6) ........ in bed. The medicine tasted horrible and it didn’t make (7) ........ feel any better. I felt sick and I didn’t want to eat anything at all, although I was very hungry. I have almost (8) ........ now, and I am going to start work again tomorrow. I still have a slight cold and a cough, but my chest doesn’t hurt when I (9) ....... Can we meet on Saturday ? I am looking forward to (10) ....... you.
1. A. felt 	B. had 	C. was 	D. caught
2. A. as 	B. though C. while 	D. during 
3. A. worse B. hard C. more 	D. painful
4. A. sensed B. moved C. felt 	D. looked
5. A. examined B. told C. denied 	D. said 
6. A. stay B. stayed C. staying 	D. stays
7. A. some B. me C. them 	D. its
8. A. improved B. decided C. recovered D. succeeded
9. A. breathe B. ache C. cure 	D. bleed
10. A. see B. seeing C. sees 	D. saw
IV. WRITING: (25 points)
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given.
2. I regret saying that to him. 	wish	
	I _____________________________________________________________
3. The mechanic checked the tyres on my car. 	had	
	The mechanic _____________________________________________________
4. It is necessary that I post this letter tonight. 	need	
	I _______________________________________________________________
5. I am interested in why you did it. 	is	
	The only thing_____________________________________________________
6. You'll be ill if you continue to smoke. 	stop	
8. We spent three hours painting that door. 	us	
	It took ___________________________________________________________
10. I've never eaten this food before . 	time	
Part 2: Study these sentences and decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect. If the sentence is correct, make a tick (ü). If the sentence is incorrect, underline the mistake and provide the correct sentence.
2. Climb mountain is a dangerous sport.
4. The guide gives useful informations about the city.
5. She cleaned the house and after she ironed the clothes.
6. She both speaks and she writes French very well.
7. He is very mature despite of his age.
8. She sent to her teacher a beautiful Christmas.
10. When there are low sales, companies often decide to develop new products.
11. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.
12. Science and technology are part of the knowledges of educated people.
13. The food that mark is cooking in the kitchen smells delicious.
14. Everyone who takes the examination will receive their score reports in three weeks.
15. Tom spent such enjoyable holiday in Europe this summer that he plans to return as soon as he saves enough money. 
I. Supply the correct from of the words given to finish the sentences: (2 points)
2. It is becoming. obvious that changes will have to take place. INCREASE.
3. The army made him complete his. course. 	 TRAIN.
4.  is a source of income for radio, TV and newspapers. 	 ADVERTISE.
5. Internet has.. IT is very time consuming and costly.	 LIMIT.
6. Serve the two dishes... ,one on a plate and another in the bowl. SEPARATE.
7. The of ready meals has increased enormously in recent years CONSUME.
8. New technology is vital of we want to have high.. growth. ECONOMY.
9. Daphne has always been. in collecting antiques. 	 INTEREST.
II. choose the best answers to complete the sentences (3 points)
6. She had to do the shopping for her friend, .she?
A. Didn't 	B. Hadn't 	C. Does 	D. Isn't
7. By the time Bill's daughter graduates,.. retired.
A. He 	B. He has 	C. He'll being 	D. He'll have
10. It's time she.... promotion, in my view.
A. Get 	B. Got 	C. Will get 	D. Have got
12. The.. operation which was perforuned on Mrs Brown's hip was expensive.
A. Five hour 	B. Five hours 	C. Five - hour 	D. Five - hours
13. I enjoy.., but I wouldn't like.... it all my life.
A. To teach/ to do 	B. Teaching/ doing
C. To teach/ doing 	D. teaching/ to do
14. Nobody phoned, ....?
A. did they B. didn’t they 	C. did she 	D. didn’t she
5. He.. like a chimney when he was a student.
A. Used to smoking 	B. Used to smoke
C. Was used smoking 	D. used smoking
III. Use the suggeted words on phrases to write meaningful sentences (2 points).
1. Alex/ phone/ me/ six time/ this week.
2. How many/ language/ speak/ 2100?
3. Roger/ want/ buy/ book/ so/ he/ just/ go/ town.
4. New/ models/ be/ not noly/ economy/ but also/ attract.
5. We/ can not/ sleep/ last night/ because/ noise/ next door.
6. Save/energy/ conserve/ Earth/ natural resources/ and/ help/ protect/ environment.
7. He/ suggest/ use/ gas/ instead/ burn/coal/ for/ cook.
8. You/ not remember/ turn off/ lights/ when/ leave/ house/ this morning.
9. Many/ houses/area/ already/ install/ solar panels/ receive/ energy/ from/ sun.
10. If/ he/ go on/ be have/ like that/ he/ meet/ lot/ troubles/ life.
IV. Read the text below and decide which answers A,B,C or D (2 points), best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between school and university on university and work, and to (0) ... it travelling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it travel (1) the mind, you're (2)... young once, life isn't a rehearsal and so on. And if you don't do it, you may always regret that you didn't take the (3). In the end, there's only one response well, why not?
The idea may have its (4). in the 18th century Grand Tour once (5). by the young, rich and noble, but it is the middle classes who have turned it (6) something that 200,000. British youngsters do every year. (7). has never been so easy and cheap, with more places open (8).. tourists than ever. Also, the gap year is now (9). by many employers and universities. The most four - flung corners of the world are (10).. in popularity tear by year.
0. A. Employ 	B. Fulfill 	C. Exploit 	D. Spend
1. A. Thickens 	B. Widens 	C. Broadens 	D. Stiffens
2. A. Merely 	B. Only 	C. Slightly 	D. Simply
3. A. Chance 	B. Occasion 	C. Moment 	D. Luck
4. A. Branches	 B. Roots 	C. Trunk 	D. Stem
5. A. Given 	B. Undertaken 	C. Travelled 	D. Gone
6. A. Out 	B. Up 	C. Over 	D. Into
7. A. Excursion 	B. Tour 	C. Travel 	D. Voyage
8. A. To 	B. With 	C. By 	D. At
9. A. Admitted 	B. Accepted 	C. Received 	D. Stood
10. A. Expanding 	B. Spreading 	C. Growing 	D. Enlarging
Question 1: Use the correct form ofthe words in the brackets to complete the following sentences. 
1. The man could give no.........for his violent behaviour. ( EXPLAIN)
3. I know all the boys who live in my ................(NEIGHBOUR)
6. All the courses ....... in January will finish in June. (BEGIN)
7. A letter should always end with the ...... of the writer. ( SIGN)
9. There is a great ..... between Hari and his twin brother. (SIMILAR)
10. With a good .... of the criminal from witnesses, the police were able to find him easily. ( DESCRIBE)
Question 2: Supply each blank with a suitable preposition.
1. We should go to class........time.
2. She is listening.....the radio now.
3. It's a pity that I have to say good bye .....alll of you.
4. Mr.Brown office is..... the 7 floor.
5. Translate it..... Vietnamese.
6. What is Hanoi famous........?
7. My mother worked here as a doctor..... 2 years .......1990 to 1992.
8. Children go to school ......the age .......six
I. Look at this story and give the correct forms of the verbs. (7.5 pts)
When I (1. be) a child, things (2. be) very different. I (3. live) very happily with my parents like all the other children I (4. know). We (5. have) a small but comfortable house and I (6. go) to school, which I (7. not like) very much.
Then when I (8. be) fourteen, my parents (9. get) divorced. I will never forget how they (10. tell) me. I (11. study) geography in my bedroom when my mother (12. come) in and (13. tell) me the news.
When I (14. be) sixteen, (at that time I (15. live) with my father), he (16. tell) me some more news. The news (17. be) that he (18. want) to get married again, and his new wife (19. have) two small children, so I would have to leave school and start working because there would not be enough money.
I (20. cannot) believe it, but I (21. see) that he really (22. want) to get married, and so I (23. agree). Well, three years ago I (24. find) a job as a secretary and translator in an office near my home.
I (25. work) there since then. I (26. save) some money during the last years. Life at home is not perfect because I (27. not like) children very much, but it (28. not be) really difficult - just boring!
And so next year I (29. move) into my own flat and I (30. study) at night school. Or perhaps a handsome prince on a beautiful horse will save me!
III. Arrange these sentences to make a complete passage. (5.0 pts) 
a. As they built bigger and bigger ships, they were able to sail further and further away.
b. They don't really mean that the world is getting smaller, of course.
c. They found that as they sailed further away from their home countries, the world became bigger.
d. Then men began to use ships to explore the world.
e. Today, there are no undiscovered countries left to put on the map.
f. But 2,300 years ago the Egyptians and the Greeks thought that the world was very small and flat and that around it was the ocean.
g. We often hear people saying that the world is getting smaller.
h. So they had to make new maps to show the countries that they found.
i. And they discovered new countries that they didn't know about.
j. What they mean is that with modern means of transport, we can now reach every part of the world very quickly.
IV. Use the suggested words to make a complete letter. (1.5 pts)
Dear Jane,
1. It/ be/ month/ since/ I/ write/ you.
2. And we/ not meet/ or see/ each other/ three months.
3. Now/ here/ be/ suggestion/ I/ be/ very happy/ make.
4. You/ come/ stay here/ me/ weekend/ after next?
5. I/ love/ have you/ Friday evening/ Monday morning.
6. I/ have/ lot of/ news/ give you/ many questions/ ask.
Please write back to me as soon as possible.
Yours ever,
I. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word
Six years ago when I was a student, I was (1)........................... of money. So once a week I (2) ................... to go home to see my parents and get a decent meal. Although I had a good relationship with my mother, I never got (3) ......................... well with my father. I could never live up to his high expectations of me. One day I did a (4)....................... terrible thing. I stole some money from him. I asked him if he (5)..................... lend me ten pounds. He refused saying he had (6)...................... given me enough and it was (7) ...................... I became more responsible with money. You know what it is like (8)........................a student. I'd run out of money and wanted to take a girl out. When he refused I (9) ...................... him of being mean. and we had a terrible row. He left the house and I was (10) .................... angry that I stole ten pounds from his wallet.
When he (11) ................. out that the money was gone, he (12) ................... who had (13) .................... it and banned me from the house. (14) .................... then I have returned but he has never really forgiven me and still (15) ................. down on me for (16) ................. I did.

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