Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề 16

1. At parties, people (habit/ accustom/ tend/ keep) to talk about jobs and money.

2. ( In addition to / Furthermore / As well / What is more ) buying paint, I bought some paintbrushes.

3. I can’t believe this ( shadow / shade / boring / dull ) weather! And it’s the middle of summer!

4. I bought these magazines ( so that / for / as so to / to ) have something to read on the tip.

5. It is better to be ( sure / safe / guarded / protected ) than sorry.

6. The ladder was not ( so / only / quite / almost ) high enough to reach the fourth floor.

7. The secretary to (which/ who/ that/ whom) I talked didn’t know where the meeting was.

8. In my opinion, this silver vase needs (to be polish/ polishing/ polished/ being polished).

9. The curtains have (faded/ fainted/ lightened/ weekened) because of the strong sunlight.

10. If it’s raining tomorrow, we shall have to (play / cancel / put off / put away) the match till Sunday.

11. We went to see the play last night and (except / aside / apart / unless) for Tony, we all enjoyed it.


doc4 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 11/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 68 | Lượt tải: 0download
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I, Choose the words that has underlined part pronounced differenttly from the others.
a. machine	b. vanilla	c. microwave	d. mixture
a. fetch	b. teach	c. check	d. brochure
a. conveyor	b. concrete	c. connect	d. compile
a. cough	b. rough	c. laugh	d. although
a. private	b. pirate	c. narrate	d. considerate
a. combine	b. underline	c. determine	d. sunshine
a. ceased	b. decreased	c. caused	d. promised
a. teenage	b. damage	c. heritage	d. carriage
a. meal 	b. leak 	c. leave 	d. wealth
a. skill 	b. hill 	c. silk 	d. horison
a. pollution	b. rubbish	c. truck	d. crutch
a. earthquake	b. healthy	c. thunderstorm	d. weather
a. castle	b. tornadoes	c. planets	d. storms
II, Choose a word in each group that has different stress pattern.
a. consumer	b. suggest	c. energy	d. electric
a. remote	b. control	c. respond	d. purpose
a. scenery	b. dormitary	c. minoraty	d. territory
a. considerate	b. festival	c. celebrate	d. generous
a. documentary	b. interactive	c. information	d. communicate
a. motorcycle	b. furniture	c. difficult	d. detective
a. understand	b. usherette	c. distinguish	d. competition
a. exchange	b.grocery	c. design	d. material
a. intermidiate	b. interactive	c. reputation	d. goverment
a. persuade	b. minimize	c. category	d. energy
a. competence	b. comfortable	c. compliment	d. compile
a. disastrous	b. eruption	c. thurderstorm	d. volcanic
a. gemstone	b. mysterious	c. typhoon	d. replace
a. economic	b. inspiration	c. minority	d. mausoleum
a. Hinduism	b. linguistics	c. benefit	d. energy
III, Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.
Assembly lines in car manufacturing plants ( supply / create / account / look ) for countless jobs.
( For / As / So / By ) a result, they never went there again.
He hardly got up late, ( doesn’t / does / did / didn’t ) he?
In the examination the use of dictionaries is (forbidding / forbidden / forbade / forbid) 
He (must go/ should have gone/ would go/ had gone) to the last meeting, but he didn’t.
The stolen jewels were (valued / cost / priced / worth) a lot of money.
The shipment will not arrive for ( many / other/ another / several ) four days.
The thief was (given/ sentenced/ sent/ charged) to six months’ imprisonment.
After running up the stairs I was quite ( out of / from / without / beyond ) breath.
Sandra can’t remember the name of the shop ( where / whose / which / what ) she bought the sofar from.
I’m no better ( therefore / because / but / although ) I’ve taken the pills.
I could ( come up with / catch up with / bring back / get away ) her. She is a fast runner.
I suggest she ( not watch / not to watch / didn’t watch / to not watch ).
He ( arrived / reached / got / approached ) us without hesitation.
( Someone / Every / Eeah one / Anyone ) can come to the club. You don’t need to be a member. 
At parties, people (habit/ accustom/ tend/ keep) to talk about jobs and money.
( In addition to / Furthermore / As well / What is more ) buying paint, I bought some paintbrushes.
I can’t believe this ( shadow / shade / boring / dull ) weather! And it’s the middle of summer!
I bought these magazines ( so that / for / as so to / to ) have something to read on the tip.
It is better to be ( sure / safe / guarded / protected ) than sorry.
The ladder was not ( so / only / quite / almost ) high enough to reach the fourth floor.
The secretary to (which/ who/ that/ whom) I talked didn’t know where the meeting was.
In my opinion, this silver vase needs (to be polish/ polishing/ polished/ being polished).
The curtains have (faded/ fainted/ lightened/ weekened) because of the strong sunlight.
If it’s raining tomorrow, we shall have to (play / cancel / put off / put away) the match till Sunday.
We went to see the play last night and (except / aside / apart / unless) for Tony, we all enjoyed it.
IV, Give the correct form of the words in the brackets.
I bought a dozen tulips from the local ( flower )
→ .
The children looked unhappy and ( misery )
→ .
A toaster is a kitchen (apply) that cooks food.
→ .
 He works with great ( enthuse )
→ .
 Entering the burning house to save the little boy was very ( courage ) thing to do.
→ .
The attic is in ( order ). Let’s tidy it up 
→ .
It is (healh) to eat too much sugar and fat.
→ .
I was ( fortune ) enough to get a scholarship 
→ .
These dresses are Townsend’s latest ( create ).
→ .
We’re made some ( improve ) to our house.
→ .
The (decorate) charged me 50,000 VND for each room
→ .
Smoking can cause ( repire ) diseases.
→ .
This is a party for ( teens ), not for adults.
→ .
 (Industry) in Viet Nam has brought a lot of big changes.
→ .
The (land) in his province is very dramatic.
→ .
IV, Complete the second sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I’d rather not see him tomorrow.
→ I don’t 
I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly
→ I object . .
She wasn’t allow to go out. 
→ She wasn’t  .
Henry regretted buying the second- hand car.
→ Henry wished ..
She left university two years ago.
→ It is two ... ..
I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here’s the key.
→ You can’t 
I will never foget you
→ Never .
They missed the train because of getting up late.
→ Had  ...
Nobody had invited Jean to the party, which annoyed her.
→ As .
Is it better for me to leave?
 ® Would ...........................................................................................................
VI, Use the suggestions to complete each sentence of the following letter. 
Dear Tom,
1. Thank you/ much/ letter/ arrive/ few days ago.
2. It/ be lovely/ hear/ you.
3. I/ be / sorry/ I/ not write/ such / long time/ but I/ be very busy.
4. As you know/ we buy/ new house/ September.
5. It be/ very bad condition/ it need/ a lot/ work..
6. We finish/ most/ it now/ and it/ look/ very nice.
7. Peter and I/ dicide/ give/ house- warming party/ May 3rd.
8. You think/ you/ able come?
9. Please give / ring/ let/ know/ you/ make it.
10. I /really/ look forward / see / you / again.
Best wishes,
VII, Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
	Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But actually the idea for a computer(1) worked out over two centuries ago by a man ..( 2) Charles Babbage.
	Babbage was born ..(3) 1791 and grew up to be a briliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines .(4) he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he (5) building some of these he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued .(6) his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Musuem in London has finished building ..(7) engine based on one of Babbage’s designs (8) has taken six years to complete and more (9) four thousand parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum .(10) remind people of Babbage’s work.
The end

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