Đề luyện thi HSG môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Số 2 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

III. Complete the sentences with too or either.

1. I don’t really like tomatoes. My brother doesn’t like them _____________.

2. My sister enjoys Korean movies, and she likes watching K-Pop _____________.

3. He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t _____________.

4. I don’t speak French and Sarah doesn’t speak French _____________.

5. Danny is really tired and I am tired _____________.

6. They don’t like Rock and Roll music, and we don’t like it _____________.

7. French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn _____________.

8. Helen’s got a lovely voice, and she’s a good dancer _____________.

doc5 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 11/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 58 | Lượt tải: 0download
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Môn thi :ANH 7
( Thời gian làm bài 90 phút)
I.	Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
1.	a. dish	b. sugar	c. shoes	d. sing
2.	a. vision	b. pressure	c. washer	d. machine
3.	a. division	b. occasion	c. leisure	d. ensure
4.	a. chauffer	b. shampoo	c. children	d. cashier
5.	a. exhibition	b. revision	c. anxious	d. social
II.	Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets.
1.	Cycling is faster than walking. (as)
2.	This tea doesn’t taste the same as the one I usually drink. (from)
	This tea 	
3.	Money is not as important as health. (than)
4.	His new guitar isn’t different from his old one. (as)
	His new guitar	
5.	Everest is higher than K2. (as)
6.	Oil painting is not the same as pencil painting. (from)
	Oil painting	
7.	Yesterday’s exam wasn’t as short as today’s. (than)
	Today’s exam	
8.	Your idea is different from mine. (as)
	Your idea	
III.	Complete the sentences with too or either.
1.	I don’t really like tomatoes. My brother doesn’t like them _____________.
2.	My sister enjoys Korean movies, and she likes watching K-Pop _____________.
3.	He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t _____________.
4.	I don’t speak French and Sarah doesn’t speak French _____________.	
5.	Danny is really tired and I am tired _____________.	
6.	They don’t like Rock and Roll music, and we don’t like it _____________.
7.	French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn _____________.
8.	Helen’s got a lovely voice, and she’s a good dancer _____________.
IV.	Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
1.	Karen Carpenter is famous __________ the song Top of the world.
2.	This rock band is playing __________ the Central Club.
3.	I love his painting __________ the old Ha Noi streets.
4.	We can watch the concert live __________ TV.
5.	I’m very interested __________ pop music.
6.	The puppets are made __________ wood and then painted.
7.	My friend is very good __________ drawing things.
8.	The water puppet show is __________ 57B DinhTien Hoang St., HoanKiem Dist.
V.	Write questions for the underlined parts.
1.	A: 	
	B: I like pop music.
2.	A: 	
	B: My favourite song is Thriller.
3.	A: 	
	B: My mother’s favourite composer is Trinh Cong Son.
4.	A: 	
	B: Water puppetry began in the 11th century.
5.	A: 	
	B: Alex goes to the Art Club twice a week.
6.	A: 	
	B: I don’t like horror movies because I don’t like the feeling of being scared.
7.	A: 	
	B: She has painted for more than five years.
8.	A: 	
	B: Dong Ho paintings are made in Dong Ho Village.
and drums.
VI.	Fill in each blank with a word.
	Dong Ho Painting is a kind of Vietnamese (1) _____________ painting originating in Dong Ho Village, Bac Ninh Province. Dong Ho paintings have about 300 years of history in the (2) _____________ of Vietnam.
	Dong Ho pictures are (3) _____________ on a special kind of Dzo paper. The printing paper is made of bark of a tree called “Dzo”. Colours of the painting are refined from various kinds of tree (4) _____________, which people can easily find in Vietnam. Traditional (5) _____________ use all-natural colours for their pictures: burnt bamboo leaves for black, cajuput leaves for green, copper rust for blue, etc. The painting is covered by a (6) _____________ of sticky rice paste to protect the painting and their colours. They are so (7) _____________ lasting, so that it is very difficult to make them dimmer even time or daylight.
	Vietnamese people used to buy Dong Ho pictures for (8) _____________ during Tet.
VII.	Read the text carefully then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Many students listen to music while they are studying, and say that it helps them learn. Many parents and teachers say that music is just distracting, and that students are better studying in silence. Who is right?
In a study, some scientists asked three groups of students to listen to a piece of music by Mozart or a relaxation tape for ten minutes, or just sit in silence for ten minutes. The students then did a ‘spatial reasoning’ test (a test about remembering shapes and imagining looking at objects from different directions), and the ones who had listened to the Mozart did better in the test.
Taking part in musical activities and learning to play an instrument can improve verbal memory (the ability to remember words). The longer the training lasts, the better the improvement in the memory. So, there’s no excuse to give up the piano lessons!
1.	Many students think it’s helpful to listen to music when studying.
2.	Teachers say music helps students to better concentrate.
3.	The students who had listened to Mozart did better in the spatial reasoning test.
4.	Listening to Mozart music will not make you smarter.
5.	Music training helps to improve memory.
VIII.	Arrange the words to make sentences.
1.	who/more/don’t/attentive/arts/students/than/study/those/who/are/.
2.	father/don’t/either/and/horror/watches/my/never/films/I/.
3.	you/think/as/classical/do/is/music/exciting/Rockand Roll/as/?
4.	performance/the/is/next/about/very/anxious/musician/the/.
5.	sister/interested/ is/ boring/find/I/drawing/my/in/ but/ it/.
6.	music/your/kind/what/favourite/is/of/?
IX.	Write the second sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first one.
1.	Her phone is not the same as mine.
→	Her phone is	
2.	I think rock music is more popular than jazz.
→	I think jazz music isn’t 	
3.	Do you like seeing a water puppet show?
→	Are you 	
4.	They perform the water puppet show in a pool.
→	The water puppet show	
5.	The last time I spoke to David was at Christmas.
→	I haven’t	
6.	Nobody wanted to go, so they cancelled the school trip.
→	They cancelled	
7.	Jim doesn’t play the saxophone as well as his brother.
→	Jim’s brother plays	
8.	What is your favourite kind of music?
→	What kind 	
I.	1. d	2. a	3. d	4. c	5. b
II. 1. Walking is not as fast as cycling.
	2.This tea tastes different from the one I usually drink.
	3.Health is more important than money.
	4.His new guitar is the same as his old one.
	5.K2 is not as high as Everest.
	6.Oil painting is different from pencil painting.
	7.Today’s exam was shorter than yesterday’s.
	8.Your idea is not the same as mine.
III.	1. either	2.too	3.either	4. either
	5. too	6.either	7.too	8. too
IV.	1. for	2. at	3. of	4. on	5. in	6. of	7. at	8. at
V.	1. What kind of music do you like?
	2. What is your favourite song?
	3.Who is your mother’s favourite composer?
	4.When did water puppetry begin?
	5.How often does Alex go to the Art Club?
	6.Why don’t you like horror movies?
	7.How long has she painted?
	8.Where are Dong Ho paintings made?
VI.	1. folk	2. north	3. printed	4. leaves
	5. artists	6.layer	7. long	8. decoration
VII.	1. T	2. F	3. T	4. F	5. T	
VIII.	1. Students who study arts are more attentive than those who don’t.
	2.My father never watches horror films, and I don’t either.
	3.Do you think classical music is as exciting as Rock and Roll?
	4.The musician is very anxious about the next performance.
	5.My sister is interested in drawing, but I find it boring.
	6.What is your favourite kind of music?
IX.	1. Her phone is different from mine.
	2. I	think jazz music isn’t as popular as rock music.
	3.Are you interested in seeing a water puppet show?
	4.The water puppet show is performed in a pool.
	5. I haven’t spoken to David since Christmas.
	6.They cancelled the school trip because nobody wanted to go.
	7.Jim’s brother plays the saxophone better than him.
	8.What kind of music do you like most?

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  • docde_luyen_thi_hsg_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_so_2_nam_hoc_2019_2020.doc
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