Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Câu hỏi đuôi

1. She's got lovely blue eyes ?

2. The twins arrived last night ?

3. Mary paints portraits ?

4. Bill puts the money in the bank ?

5. Prices keep going up ?

6. I've seen you before ?

7. Bill's written a novel ?

8. His mother's very proud of him ?

9. The twins used to play rugby ?

10. Tom might be at home now ?

11. We must hurry ?

12. You'd been there before ?

13. You'd like a drink ?

14. The boys prefer a cooked breakfast ?

15. Mary ought to cook it for them ?

16. That was Ann on the phone ?

17. The Smiths need two cars . ?

18. He used to eat raw fish . ?

19. You'd better wait for Bill ?

20. You'd come if I needed help ?

21. You could come at short notice ?

22. You take sugar in tea ?

23. But you don't take it in coffee ?


docx10 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 09/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 84 | Lượt tải: 0download
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(Câu hỏi đuôi) 
Add a correct question tag to each sentence
You aren't afraid of snakes?
Ann isn't at home ? 
You don't know French?
Tom didn't see her?
This isn't yours?
Mary wasn't angry?
Bill hasn't had breakfast?
You won't tell anyone?
I didn't wake you up?
Tom doesn't like oysters?
You don't want to sell the house?
It doesn't hurt?
People shouldn't drink and drive?
You aren't going alone?
They couldn't pay the rent?
You don't agree with Bill?
There wasn't a lot to do?
I needn't say anything?
That wasn't Ann on the phone?
You didn't do it on purpose?
This won't take long?
She doesn't believe you?
It didn't matter very much?
Mary couldn't leave the children alone?
You aren't doing anything tonight?
You wouldn't mind helping me with this?
George hadn't been there before?
The children weren't surprised?
You wouldn't like another drink?
Tom doesn't have to go to lectures?
Bill hasn't got a car?
Bill couldn't have prevented it?
I needn't wait any longer?
There weren't any mosquitoes?
The fire wasn't started deliberately ?
The children can read French?
He's ten years old?
Bill came on a bicycle?
The Smiths have got two cars?
Your grandfather was a millionaire?
Tom should try again?
It could be done?
Your brother's here?
That's him over there?
George can leave his case here?
This will fit in your pocket?
His wife has headaches quite often?
She's got lovely blue eyes?
The twins arrived last night?
Mary paints portraits?
Bill puts the money in the bank?
Prices keep going up?
I've seen you before?
Bill's written a novel?
His mother's very proud of him?
The twins used to play rugby?
Tom might be at home now?
We must hurry?
You'd been there before?
You'd like a drink?
The boys prefer a cooked breakfast?
Mary ought to cook it for them?
That was Ann on the phone?
The Smiths need two cars.?
He used to eat raw fish.?
You'd better wait for Bill?
You'd come if I needed help?
You could come at short notice?
You take sugar in tea?
But you don't take it in coffee?
The lift isn't working today
It never works very well?
The area was evacuated at once ?
There was no panic ?
Though everybody realized the danger..?
There was a lot of noise..?
But nobody complained?
Mary hardly ever cooks?
She buys convenience foods?
She'd save money if she bought fresh food?
Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays?
But he didn't remember this one?
And his wife was very disappointed
He ought to have made a note of it?
Neither of them offered to help you?
They don't allow pet dogs in this shop?
But guide dogs can come in?
He hardly ever leaves the house?
That isn't Bill driving?
Nothing went wrong?
Lions are loose in this reserve?
It'd be unpleasant to be attacked by a lion.?
He is never at home on Sunday, ?
It is a pity Ann didn't come with us?
Lives were lost unnecessarily?
There used to be trees here
(Câu bị động)
Use the correct PASSIVE tense of these verbs in brackets :
An island . by water. (cover)
I  to the party last night but I didn’t come. (invite)
Many accidents  by reckless driving. (cause)
A new dormitory  in the university campus now. (build)
Thank goodness ! My jewelry  in the robbery last night. (steal / not)
If I didn’t do my job properly, I . (sack)
The electric light bulb  by Thomas Edison. (invent)
Mickey Mouse cartoons  in sixty languages. (translate) 
If it is foggy, that sport event  (cancel)
The examinees  the result of the examination next week. (tell)
This machine  for quite a long time. (not use) 
 The clever dog saved Lan and her family from  in the typhoon. (catch)
 I am looking forward to  fairly. (treat) 
Change these sentences to the passive voice :
My students have met their friend at the station. 
They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home. 
The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow. 
How many trees did they cut down ? 
This well-known library attracts many people. 
All students attended the meeting. 
People say that he is intelligent. 
He can’t repair my bike. 
Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock. 
Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years. 
They didn’t look after the children properly. 
Nobody swept this street last week. 
People drink a great deal of tea in England. 
People speak English all over the world. 
Tom was writing 2 poems. 
She often takes her dog for a walk.
She didn’t introduce me to her mother. 
Farmers usually milk cows twice a day. 
He likes people to call him “sir”. 
Our teacher used to bid us talk in class. 
Don’t let other see you. 
Workers were digging a large hole in the ground. 
The car knocked a woman down in the street. 
Cows were eating grass on the meadow. 
My cousin will meet you at the station. 
She is running her own company. 
Visitors must leave umbrellas in the cloakroom. 
My mother used to make us clean the house. .
John hasn’t finished his homework. ...
They suggested banning advertisements on TV. 
I will shut the door if you like. 
We have just seen a horrible accident. 
What language do people speak in this country? 
At 7 p.m., Mrs. Smith was making cakes. 
He isn’t going to buy that house. 
This terrorist has kept 3 hostages for a week. 
He hasn’t seen you for years. 
The examiner will read the passage 3 times. 
An earthquake destroyed the town. 
He didn’t type the letter last night. 
They will pick me up at my house. 
When did you see him in that bank? 
A man returned the keys to me. 
Mary will see her friends off at the station. 
They have to pull down that building. 
He gave me a knife to cut this bread. 
 They used to drink beer in England 
She can sew 3 shirts a day. 
We consider that she is the best singer. 
Nobody has used this room for ages. 
I am translating an article into Vietnamese. 
People said he had swallowed a safety pin. 
Someone is following me. 
The State will assign our students to different jobs.  
She read the letter again and again last night. 
This is the first time they have written to us about this.
How many lessons are you going to learn next month? 
Someone had invented electric lights before I was born. 
People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars. 
Before they took exams they had revised their lessons. 
When he came home his father was reading a newspaper. 
My father will take me to Ho Chi Minh City next week.
When I was 18 years old, my parents allowed me to go out in the evening.
You were wearing your new hat when I met you yesterday. 
He is preparing everything for the presidential election.
Last Friday, when I came to Jane’s house, she had finished all exercises.
Countries are finding a way to solve the problem.
He put the letter in the drawer, and then he locked it up.
By the end of this year, we will have learnt 2,000 English words.
Don’t ask for another book until you finish this one.
Her father was planting different kinds of flowers in the garden.
The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment.
How many days did she spend finishing the work?
The doctor pulled out one of my teeth yesterday morning. 
His wife usually brings him sandwiches at lunch time.
The light went out while I was making a cup of tea. 
When she went to Barcelona, she learnt some Spanish.
The students of chemistry made many experiments last week.
For the past years, I have done all my washing by hand. 
A pair of robins has built a nest in the porch since last week.
They say that she is the best singer in this town.
She .
They believe he will be the winner.
People think that Tom stole food in the supermarket 3 days ago.
Someone reported that the situation was under control.
The situation ..
It is said that she works 16 hours a day.
She .
Someone thinks that the company is planning a new advertising campaign.
The company .
Everyone expects that the soap opera will end next year.
It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.
The man .
Someone believed that the President had suffered a heart attack.
The president .
They think that the prisoners escaped by climbing over the wall.
The prisoners .
It is reported that the buildings have been badly damaged by fire.
The buildings ..
It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
Many people 
We all expected that Marta will pass the exam.
It ..
We knew that you are in town on the night of the crime.	
You ..
People believe that he was killed by terrorists.
(Câu điều kiện) 
Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses :
Type 1 :
If the weather . good next weekend, we  away somewhere. (stay / go)
Come on ! If we , we  the bus. (hurry / catch)
There  big floods every year if the cutting down of trees continues. (be)
If there  too much litter in the streets, the environment will become polluted. (be)
If the sea level , there will be many floods in many parts of the world. (rise)
They will be late for the meeting if they  now. (not leave)
If you aren’t careful, you . the plates. (drop)
If anyone  me, please tell them I’m out. (phone)
If crops  with pesticides, they  by insects in soil. (spray / destroy) 
 If he . too much pesticide on vegetables, they will become edible. (not use)
Type 2 :
If you  a king, what  ? (be / you-do)
You would feel better if you . a short rest. (take)
If she  two years older, she  part in the contest. (be / take)
They  angry if you didn’t inform him. (be)
The teacher . disappointed if I . lazy like this. (not be / not be)
What . if the moon  ? (happen / disappear)
If the cats had wings, they . able to fly. (be)
If the streets , there . so many accidents. (widen / not be)
If you broke the traffic law like him, you .. a fine. (get)
He  better if he  his hair dried. (look / not have) 
Type 3 :
If I . that you were in the hospital, I  you. (know / visit)
I shouldn’t have believed it if I . with my own eyes. (not see)
If you . ten minutes earlier, you  a seat. (arrive / get)
If you  more slowly, they . you. (speak / understand)
If he . the instructions carefully, he  in hot water. (read / wash) 
Mixed practice :
1) If I were you, I .( invite) Jack to the party.
2) She would get 100 pounds if she ..(sell) this old shelf.
3) If they had enough money, they..( buy) a new car.
4) If it(rain), I will stay at home.
5) If the weather.(be) fine, the children can walk to school.
6) We.( pass) the exam if we studied harder.
7) If Pat..( repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us.
8) Walter.( help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.
9) If you come with me, I .( do) the shopping with you.
10) Our teacher will be happy if we (learn) the poem by heart.
11) If we meet at 9:30, we.(have) plenty of time.
12) Lisa would find the milk if she.( look) in the fridge.
13) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she..(feed) the animals.
14) If you spoke louder, your classmates(understand) you.
15) Dan..(arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
16) You..(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
17) If you( swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
18) The door will unlock if you.( press) the green button.
19) If Mel.(ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.
20) I(call) the office if I were you
21) If we( cycle) to Dresden, it will be a fantastic trip.
22) I.( miss) the school bus if I don't get up early.
23) Harriet would stay longer in Vienna if she( have) more time.
24) She..(support) the people in Peru if she bought her coffee beans in this shop.
25) If I don't see Claire today, I..(phone) her this evening.
26) If Carlos.( go) sailing, he'll need a life-jacket.
27) If my brother.( park) his car here, the traffic warden would give him a ticket.
28) You'll catch a cold if you(not wear) a pullover.
29) If you drink more of this sweet lemonade, you..(get) sick.
30) If Marcus sings under the shower, I(turn up) the radio up to full volume.
31) If I..( go) to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo.
32) If it.(not rain), we'd be in the garden.
33) If you..(wear) a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier.
34) We.(watch) TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets.
35) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she(sign) the contract.
36) If I were a millionaire, I(live) in Beverly Hills.
37) You would save energy if you( switch off) the lights more often.
38) If we had read the book, we..(understand) the film.
39) My sister could get 10 marks if the teacher.( explain) the grammar once more.
40) They.(arrive) on time if they hadn't missed the train.
41) If it rains, the boys(not play) hockey.
42) If he..(grow) his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them.
43) Jim.(see) whisky destilleries if he travelled to Scotland.
44) Would you go out more often if you..(not have to do) so much in the house.
45) She wouldn't have yawned the whole day if she.(not stay up) late last night.
46) If you.( wait) a minute, I'll come with you.
47) If we arrived at 10, we.(miss) Tyler's presentation.
48) We(help) John if we'd known about his problems.
49) If they.(use) new batteries, their camera would have worked correctly.
50) If I went anywhere, it..(be) New Zealand.
Use UNLESS instead of IF :
If she doesn’t hurry, she’ll be late. 
If we had more rain, our crops would be better. 
If you don’t like this one, I will bring you another. 
If you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
I’ll be able to do any work if I do now have a quiet room.
The flood would have been ruined if the flood had risen higher.
If you hadn’t sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
If she did her hair differently, she would look quite nice.
If John had played for our football team, we would not have lost the game.
 If I won the first prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
Combine each pairs of these sentences, using IF : 
Type 1 :
Recycle and we’ll save natural resources. ..
Be careful or you will fall over the rocks. ..
Working too much can make you feel tired. 
Don’t be careless or you’ll break the vase. .
Ha can pass the exam, she has to work hard.
He can do a part to save the environment by buying recycled products.
Putting garbage into the bins is one answer to minimize pollution.
We should take the map with us or we will lose our way on the street.
Ellen can borrow it, but she must give it back next week.
The authorities are thinking of raising the petrol prices. I will have to cycle to work.
Type 2 :
I can’t give you the answer because I don’t know. .
Why don’t you apply for the job ? ..
I advise you to pay a visit to Nha Rong Harbor. 
But for his pension, he would starve. .....
How about going to school by bus ? ..
Mrs. Green has no money so he won’t travel to the world.
Rachel might fall her driving test. But she can take it again.
The office might be closed. In that case Minh won’t be able to walk in.
You haven’t got a pen, so you can’t write down the address.
The number on those houses in this apartment aren’t clearly numbered, therefore I find it difficult to find my cousin’s house.
Type 3 :
Jerry didn’t understand the lesson. He didn’t answer. 
Carol didn’t answer the telephone because she was studying.
Because he didn’t study hard enough, he failed in the exam.
I was stuck in the traffic jam ; and that’s why I came late.
He had the flu because he went out in the rain last night.
John didn’t find the money. He didn’t return it.
I didn’t know you were there. I didn’t call you.
The heavy rain prevented everybody from going out.
Jimmy lent me the money. Otherwise, I would have gone out with business.
Without your help, I wouldn’t have succeeded this project. 
Mixed practice :
Why don’t study hard ? ..
Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up. .
I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you. ..
We got lost because we didn’t have the map. .
My friend was so late, so he missed the train. 
This car is too heavy for me to move. 
Morning exercises make me feel healthy. .
The church bells keep me from sleeping. 
Without air, we would die. ..........
 I advise him to stop smoking. .
 Be calm, or you’ll make a wrong decision.  
Without a visa, he couldn’t have come to that new country.
Today isn’t Sunday, so the students don’t go swimming.
Because you don’t leave immediately, I call the policeman.
I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.
Go right now or you will be late for the train.
As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates.
I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address. 
 The heavy rain kept everybody from going outdoors.
 I didn’t watch TV last night because I was busy.
People don’t see the UFO, so they don’t call the National UFO Reporting Center.
Thu can’t swim, so she doesn’t go swimming in Lam Son Swimming pool.
His flight was delayed so he couldn’t be there on time.
 Thanks to Lisa’s report, I was able to finish the project.
Without your help, I couldn’t overcome the problem.
 She didn’t stop her car because she didn’t see the signal.
 They do not understand you because you speak too fast.
He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications.
 He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart.
 Go right now or you will be late for the train. 

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