Chuyên đề ngữ pháp

1 thói quen hiện tại-

 - ex: He usually (go) goes to school in the morning

* 1 sự thật hiển nhiên hay 1 chân lý-

 - ex: The sun (rise) rises in the East.


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she had to do d. if did she have to do
27. Robert wanted to know if I was leaving the ........Friday.
a. following b. ago c. previous d. before
28. Jennifer asked me ........the week before.
a. where had I gone b. where I had gone
c. where did I gone d. I had gone where
II. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
29. “ You have not done your work well,” said the teacher to me.
 a. The teacher told me I hadn’t done my work well
 b. The teacher told me I haven’t done work well.
 c. The teacher told me I hadn’t done your work well.
 d. The teacher told me I hadn’t done his work well.
30. “This man spoke to me on the road,” said the woman.
 a. The woman said that man had spoken to me on the road.
 b. The woman said that man has spoken to her on the road.
 c. The woman said that man spoke to her on the road.
 d. The woman said that man had spoken to her on the road.
31. “I can’t explain this rule to you,” said my classmate to me.
 a. My classmate told me he/she can’t explain that rule to me.
 b. My classmate told me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to me.
 c. My classmate told me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to you.
 d. My classmate said me he/she couldn’t explain that rule to me.
32. The teacher said to class,”We shall discuss this subject tomorrow.”
 a. The teacher told the class they would discuss that subject the next day.
 b. The teacher told the class they will discuss that subject the next day.
 c. The teacher said the class they would discuss that subject the next day.
 d. The teacher told the class they discuss that subject the next day.
33. The woman said to her son,”I am glad I am here.”
 a. The woman told her son I was glad I was there.
 b. The woman told her son she was glad I was there.
 c. The woman told her son she was glad she was there.
 d. The woman told to her son she was glad she was there.
34. Mike said,”We have bought these books today.”
 a. Mike said they bought those books that day.
 b. Mike said they had bought those books that day.
 c. Mike said they have bought those books that day.
 d. Mike said they had bought those books that day.
35. Sarah said,”I read Jane Eyre last year.”
 a. Sarah said she had read Jane Eyre the previous year.
 b. Sareh said she read Jane Eyre the previous year.
 c. Sareh said she has read Jane Eyre the previous year.
 d. Sareh said she would read Jane Eyre the previous year.
36. She said that she .................. participating in that event.
 a. would be interesting in b. would be interested in
 c. was going to d. would be going to
37. “You damaged my bicycle, Tom!” said John
 a. John accused to Tom for damaging his bicycle.
 b. John accused with Tom to have damaged his bicycle.
 c. John accused Tom of damaging his bicycle.
 d. John accused Tom to damage his bicycle.
38. “Never borrow money from friends,”my father said.
 a. My father said to me never borrow money from friends.
 b. My father told me never to borrow money from friends.
 c. My father advised me not borrow money from friends.
 d. My father suggested me never borrowing money from friends.
39. They asked Tom to repeat what he had said.
 a. “Please repeat what you said,Tom “ they said.
 b. “Tom, repeat what have you said,”they said.
 c. “To repeat what you have said,”they said.
 d. “What you said, you should repeat,” they asked Tom.
40. “Why don’t you complain to the company, John?” said Peter.
 a. Peter asked John why he doesn’t complain to the company.
 b. Peter advised John complaining to the company.
 c. Peter suggested John to complain to the company.
 d. Peter suggested that John should complain to the company.
41. “Don’t walk on the grass,” the gardener said to us.
 a. The gardener said to us don’t walk on the grass.
 b. The gardener told us not to walk on the grass.
 c. The gardener suggested us not to walk on the grass.
 d. The gardener advised us not walking on the grass.
42. “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!” Peter said to Mary.
 a. Peter promised said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
 b. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
 c. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
 d. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
43. “Hello, Mary!” Peter said 
 a. Peter said hello Mary b. Peter said Mary hello
 c. Peter told Mary hello d. Peter greeted Mary
44. “Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?” Peter asked me.
 a. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
 b. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help.
 c. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.
 d. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help. 
45.The teacher advised us ........................
a. to be careful when doing these exercises.
b.Be careful when doing these exercises.
c.Careful when doing these exercises.
d. Are careful when doing these exercises.
46.She told me ...................................
a.shut the door but don’t lock it.
b.shut the door but not lock it. shut the door but not lock it. shut the door but not to lock it.
47. He told me ....................................
 a. think well before I answered.
 b. think well before I answer.
 c. to think well before I answered.
 d. to think well before I will answer. 
48. “Don’t play video games all the time !” , he said.
 a. He told the boy not to play video games all the time.
 b. He said to the boy not play video games all the time.
 c. He told to the boy not to play video games all the time.
 d. He said the boy not play video games all the time.
49. ”He said “I bought these books last week”.
 a. He said he bought these books last week.
 b. He said he had bought these books last week.
 c. He said he had bought those books the week before.
 d. He said he bought those books the week before. 
50. “Did they tell you when they left” she said to me.
 a. She asked me if they told me when they left.	
 b. She asked me if they told me when they had left.
 c. She asked me if they had told me when they left.
 d. She asked me if they had told me when they had left.
51. “Be careful ! The water is hot” she shouted.
 a. She said to be careful because the water is hot.
 b. She asked me to be careful because the water was hot.
 c. She told me to be careful because the water is hot.
 d. She should be careful because the water was hot.
52. The teacher ordered not to make so much noise.
 a. The teacher said us “ Not make so much noise”.
 b. The teacher told us “ Didn’t make so much noise”.
 c. The teacher ordered us “Not to make so much noise”.
 d. The teacher said to us “ Don’t make so much noise”
53. She asked me if it would rain that night.
 a. She asked “ would it rain that night.”
 b. She said “ It would rain that night”.
 c. She asked “ Will it rain tonight.”
 d. She said to me “ It will rain night.” 
54. He asked me where I was going on my vacation that year.
 a. He asked me “Where I was going on my vacation that year?”
 b. He asked me “Where was I going on my vacation that year?”
 c. He asked me “Where you are going on your vacation that year?”
 d. He saked me “Where are you going on your vacation this year?”
 55. Peter said if he were me he would stop smoking.
a. I wanted Peter to stop smoking and he promised to do.
b. Peter provided to stop smoking.
c. Peter said he would stop smoking as I wanted him to.
d. Peter advided me to stop smoking.
I. Định nghĩa: Mệnh đề quan hệ còn gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ ( Adjective clause), là mệnh đề phụ của câu, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng liền trước nó. Mệnh đề này thương bắt đầu các đại từ quan hệ ( Relative pronoun) như: who, whom, which, that, whose và các phó từ quan hệ (Adverb pronoun) như: when, where, why.
II. Cách dung các đại từ và phó từ quan hệ:
Đại từ & Phó từ QH
thay thế cho
Chức năng
Vị trí
1. WHO
danh từ chỉ người
Chủ ngữ
sau dtừ thay thế
danh từ chỉ người
Tân ngữ
sau dtừ thay thế
danh từ chỉ vật
Chủ ngữ/ Tân ngữ
sau dtừ thay thế
dtừ chỉ người / vật
Chủ ngữ/ Tân ngữ
sau dtừ thay thế
tính từ sở hữu trước dtừ
Bổ nghĩa cho dtừ
sau dtừ thay thế
từ chỉ nơi chốn 
(at/in/on + which ;there)
Trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chố
sau từ chỉ nơi chốn
từ chỉ thời gian
(at/in/on + which ;then)
Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
sau từ chỉ thời gian
8. WHY
từ chỉ nguyên nhân
(the reason)
Trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân
sau từ chỉ nguyên nhân
* Examples:
1. The woaman who lives next door is very friendly
2. The man whom you saw yesterday is my uncle
3. The book which has some wonderful pictures is about the wifelife.
 The dress which you gave me on my birthday is beautiful.
4. The book that you lent me is interesting.
 This is the man that I have met before.
5. This is the woman whose son is a doctor.
 They found a cat whose leg was broken.
6. I’ll never forget the day when ( on which) I met him.
 That was the time when ( at which) he managed the company.
7. I went to the office where ( in which) my father works.
 Dalat is the place where ( to which) I like to come.
8. I don’t know the reason why he left school.
III. Phân loại: Có 2 loại mệnh đề quan hệ
1. Mênh đề hạn định ( Restrictive clause): là mệnh đề bbổ nghĩa cho danh từ chưa xác định, không có mệnh đề này câu không đủ nghĩa. 
Ex: I don’t know the man who is talking to Mary.
 The picture which Tom is looking at is beatiful.
2. Mệnh đề không hạn định (non - Restrictive claues): Là mệnh đề bỗ nghĩa cho danh từ đã xác định(Dtừ riêng; Dtừ sau tính từ sở hữu, từ chỉ định, ..., không có mệnh đề này câu vẫn đủ nghĩa. Mệnh đề này ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng 1 hoặc 2 dấu phẩy.
Ex: - His father, who is working in this factory, will retire next year.
 - I had a personal talk with Jane, who wanted to take that job. 
IV. Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn: ( Reduced form of relative clause)
Rút gọn bằng:
1. Hiện tại phân từ ( Present participle): V - ING khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể chủ động.
Ex: Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday?
 Do you know the boy breaking the window yesterday?
2. Qúa khứ phân từ ( Past participle): V3/ V- ED khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động.
Ex: The students who were punished by the teacher are lazy. 
 The students punished by the teacher are lazy.
3. To - infinitive
Ex: English is an important lanuage which we have to master.
 English is an important lanuage to master.
V. Các trường hợp cần lưu ý:
1. Khi WHOM , WHO, WHICH, THATlàm tân ngữ ta có thể lược bỏ đi trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
Ex: She’s the person who(m) I met on the bus.
 She’s the person I met on the bus.
2. THAT không được dùng trong mệnh đề không hạn định, mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn và không đứng sau giới từ.
3. THAT thường được dùng sau danh từ có tính từ so sánh nhất (the best, the most,..) và các đại từ không xác định ( everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, something, nobody, noone, nothing,...)
Ex: This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.
1. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Mr. Pike ............... is uor boss ,has just come back from Paris. 
 A. who B. whom C. which D. that
2. The botanists are examining the plants ................ were brought from Africa.
 A. who B. whom C. which D. that
3. Do you know the hotel ............ ?
 A. at which she is staying B. where she is staying
 C. she is staying at D. all are correct
4. That is the new teacher about .............. the student are talking.
 A. that B. who C. whose D. whom
5. This subject .............. going to discuss , is very important.
 A. which we are B. which are we
 B. that we are D. a and c are correct
6. The scientist .............. invention was a success became famous
 A. who B. whose C. which D. that
7. I knew some people ..............
 A. who could help you B. whom could help you
 C. whose help could you D. could help you
8. That is the dress ............. .
 A. which made by Mary B. which making by Mary
 C. was made by Mary D. made by Mary
9. The bicycle ............... is very moderm.
 A. I told you about which B. which about I told you
 C. about I told you which D. about which I told you
10. Many diseases ................ are no longer dangerous today
 A. why people died of year ago B. which people died years ago
 C. of that people died years ago D. that people died of years ago
11. Have you made a decision on the day .............. ?
 A. which you will set off B. when you will set off
 B. at which you will set off D. where you will set off
12. The road ............... is shaded with trees.
 A. on which we go to school every day
 B. at which we go to school every day
 C. from which we go to school every day
 D. where we go to school every day
13. I’m standing at the window ....................
A. in which I can see the lake B. where I can see the lake
 C. at which I can see the lake D. from which I can see the lake
14. I’ll show you the second hand bookshop ...............
 A. when you can find valuable old books 
 B. why you can find valuable old books
 C. where you can find valuable old books
 D. which you can find valuable old books
15. Lan’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man ............
 A. that she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly knows him 
 C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him
16. I come from the Seattle area, ............ many successful companies such as Microsoft and Boeing are located.
a. which b. that c. where d. whom
17. They have just visited the town .............. location was little known.
a. where b. whose c. which d. that
18. ......... one of the most creative artists in rock ‘n roll, came from California. 
a. Frank Zappa, who was b. Frank Zappa was
c. Frank Zappa, that was d. Frank Zappa whom was
19. He came to the party wearing only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, ............ was a stupid thing to do.
a. who b. whom c. which d. that
20. He lives in a small town .................
a. where is called Taunton b. which is called Taunton
c. is called Taunton d. that called Taunton
21. The house ................ is more than 100 years old.
a. where I live b. in where I live c. in that I live d. where I live in
22. ............... want to get a god job have to have certain qualifications and experience.
a. Who b. Those which c. Those who d. Those whom
23. Wild fires are common is the forest areas of Australia, of the US and Canada , ........... the climate is moist.
a. in where b. in that c. where d. which
24. King Henry , .............. was Elizabeth I, led England into the Age of Empire.
a. daughter b. whom daughter c. which daughter d. whose daughter
25. Frank invited Janet, ............ , to the party.
a. met in Japan b. meeting in Japan
c. whom he had met in Japan d. that he had met in Japan
26. The singer, ........... Most recent recording has had much success, is signing autographs.
a. whose b. that c. who d. whom
27. He likes shopping between 1.00 and 3.00 pm, ............most people are at home.
a. when b. where c. in which d. at that
28. He took me to an expensive restaurant where we enjoyed a good meal.
a. enjoyed a good meal b. to enjoy a good meal
c. and enjoying a good meal d. we enjoyed a good meal in which
29. The fishermen and their boats ................were off the coast three days ago have just been reported to be missing
a. which b. that c. who d. whom
30. The banker to ............... I gave my check was quite friendly
a. who b. that c. whom d. which
31. Birds make nests in trees ............... they can hide their young in the leaves and branches.
a. which b. where c. that d. in that
32. He lent me ................ yesterday. 
a. the book I need b. the book when I need 
c. which book I need d. the book whose I need 
33. ............. cheat on the exam have to leave the room.
a. Those b. Who c. Those whom d. Those who
34. .............. really a fish, has no brain, no bones, and no face.
a. A jelly fish is not b. A jelly fish, it is not
c. A jelly fish, which is not d. A jelly fish, that is not
35. We have a lot of things that we have to do today.
a. doing b. to do c. done d. do
36. The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family.
a. to live next door b. he lives next door 
c. living next door d. lived next door
37. My father works for a construction company in ................
a. Winchester, which is a city in the U.K.
b. Winchester that is a city in the U.K.
c. Winchester is a city in the U.K.
d. Winchester where is a city in the U.K.
38. Ms Young, to ................... many of her student are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada.
a. who b. whom c. that d. whose
39. I saw a lot of new people at the party, ................ seemed familiar. 
a. some of whom b. some of who c. whom d. some of that
40. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, .............. upset me a lot.
a. that b. when c. which d. who
41. He is the man .............. car was stolen last week.
a. whom b. that c. which d. whose
42. They have just found the couple and their car ................ were swept away during the heavy storm last week.
a. that b. which c. whose d. when
43. It was the worst winter .................... anyone could remember.
a. when b. which c. where d. why
44. I would like to know the reason ................. he decided to quit the job.
a. why b. which c. that d. when
45. ............. instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview.
a. John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone,
b. John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone,
c. John Robbins I spoke to by telephone,
d. John Robbins, whom I spoke to by telephone,
46. He was always coming up with new ideas , ............. were absolutely impracticable.
a. most of whom b. that c. most of which most of that
47. She always had wanted to go to places ............ she could speak her native tongue.
a. that b. in that c. which d. where
48. February is the month ............. many of my colleagues take skiing holidays.
a. when b. that c. in that d. which 
49. There was no one ..............
a. I could ask for help b. when I could ask for help
c. I could ask whom for help d. for that I could ask for help.
50. The children were quite attracted by the tamer and his animals ............. were performing on the stage.
a. that b. which c. whom d. who
51. Is there anything else ................. you want to ask?
a. what b. where c. whom d. that
I. So sánh bằng ( Equal comparison)
1. Khẳng định: 	AS + ADJECTIVE + AS
2. Phủ định : 	NOT SO / AS + ADJ/ ADV + AS
Ex: This exercise is as difficult as that one.
 She cooks as well as her mother does 
 He isn’t so/ as intelligent as his brother.
 John doesn’t work so/ as hard as Mary
II. So sánh hơn ( Comparative)
1. Với tính từ và trạng từ ngắn (có 1 âm tiết)
Ex: Nam is taller than his sister.
 He works harder than his friend.
* Chú ý: + Khi tinh từ có 1 âm tiết tận cùng bằng phụ âm, có nguyên âm đi trước ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm rồi mới thêm “ER” 
Ex: hot ..... hotter; big ...... bigger ; thin ...... thinner ; fat ...... fatter
 + Khi tính từ có 1 âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y” có phụ âm đi trước đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “ER”, và tận cùng bằng “e” thì chỉ thêm “R” vào sau từ đó.
Ex: dry ....... drier ; large .........larger ; wide ........ wider
 + Khi tinhs từ có 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y”, “le”, “ow”, “er” thì được xem là tính từ ngắn.
Ex: happy ...... happier ; gentle ...... gentler ; narrow ....... narrower ; clever ..... cleverer
III. So sánh nhất ( supperlative)
1. Với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn:

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