Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề 6 đến 11


 I. Cloze test: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word.

 Water is our life source . It makes up 70 percent (1) . our bodies, and the average person actually spends 18 months of his life in the bath (2) . .shower.

 But we are only now learning (3) to look after water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18,000 lakes and our seas and our rivers are (4) . .with waste products. It is now very expensive to try to repair the damage (5) .has been done .We have some hope for the future, though, because new (6) . .of water have been discovered. People living the Sahara Desert have (7) . fish swimming in deep undergrowth steams. Scientists also believe (8) is a huge lake beneath London. If we have learnt anything from our mistakes, we will try to keep these new areas of water clean


doc22 trang | Chia sẻ: Minh Văn | Ngày: 11/03/2024 | Lượt xem: 56 | Lượt tải: 0download
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 like to ( talk / say / tell / mention ) a few words.
Maria’s English is excellent. She speaks English ( very perfect / perfective / perfectively / perfectly ).
 ( Campus / Hall / Institute / Dormitory ) is a large building in a college or university where students live.
Can you tell me how many chapters this book ( consists of ? / consists ? / comprises of ? / includes ? )
 ( All of films / All of the films / Of all films / Of all the films ) you have watched , which film impresses you most ?
The mother divided the cake into four equal pieces. The children were (pleased with / pleased about / happy at / happy on ) the equal division.
We think that with our solidarity we can ( overcome / pass / get by / do ) this difficulty.
What aspect of learning English ( you find to be difficult? / do you find to be difficult? / you find difficult? / do you find difficult? )
She thinks chatting on the internet is ( time-consumed / times-consumed / time-consuming / times-consuming ).
The woman seldom writes poems or stories, ( does she? / doesn’t she? / does he? / doesn’t he?
I’ll go on holiday ( as soon as / how / until / as ) I can.
 I. Put the sentences in logical order to build a dialogue:
	A. Oh, I see. And I have a question for you. Do you know when the color television was invented?
	B. It was invented by Peter Carl Goldmark.
	C. He was American.
	D. Your color television looks very nice. Is it new?
	E. What’s his nationality?
	F. I know this question. In 1950, wasn’t it?
	G. Yes. My father has just bought it.
	H. I’m sorry. I don’t know.
	I. You’re right. And who invented it?
 II. Complete the passage below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in the brackets:
	The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the (1)(refuse) ...................................... of the inhabitants of No. 13 to have any form of communication with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise (2)(pollute) ............................................... Every evening, the (3)(think) ............................................ neighbors used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (4)(neighbor) ..................................................was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what (5)(act) .................................................... to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any (6)(suggest) ..................................................... as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was (7)(make) ..................................................... to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them (8)(polite) ................................................. to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be (9)(success) ............................................., as the inhabitants of No. 13 refused to talk to them. So on the (10)(advise) ....................................... of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court
 III. Read the passage and answer with true ( T ) / false ( F ) / not given ( N ):
 There are about 3000 living languages in the world, but only six of them are the most important ones. Two-thirds of the world’s population speaks those languages. More than 400 million people speak English as their mother tongue. Another 400 million speak it as a second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the language with more speakers than English, but it is only the language for more than one billion Chinese people. English is the official language on one-fifth of the land area in the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India it is one of the official languages. In many countries, the textbooks in universities are written in English. More than three-fourths of the world’s mail is composed in English. More than three-fifths of the radio stations broadcast programs in English. More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English. English is the language of international communication.
Chinese is the most important language.	....................
About 66.6 per cent of the world’s population speak six major languages.	....................
Vietnamese speak English as their first language.	....................
75 per cent of the world’s mail is in English.	....................
40 per cent of the world’s radio stations use English.	....................
English has more speakers than Chinese.	....................
People in India speak English as their second language.	....................
People in New Dehli cannot speak English.	....................
People in France speak English as their foreign language.	....................
People in Australia also speak English.	....................
 I. Cloze test: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. 
 Water is our life source . It makes up 70 percent (1) ...........our bodies, and the average person actually spends 18 months of his life in the bath (2)........shower.
	But we are only now learning (3) to look after water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18,000 lakes and our seas and our rivers are (4) ....with waste products. It is now very expensive to try to repair the damage (5).has been done .We have some hope for the future, though, because new (6)...of water have been discovered. People living the Sahara Desert have (7) ..fish swimming in deep undergrowth steams. Scientists also believe (8)is a huge lake beneath London. If we have learnt anything from our mistakes, we will try to keep these new areas of water clean 
 II. Building sentences: Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences .
	1) Learning / foreign language / necessary / us / get / job. //
	2) I / spoke / the man / wife / injured / accident. //
	3) family / I / spend / two months / plan / summer / holiday. //
	4) driver / stop / car / time / save / child. //
	5) Boxing / too / dangerous / her / play, / it ? //
	6) If I / younger / learn / drive / car. //
7) Of all / hotels in town / the Royal Hotel / comfortable. //
8) He / try / stop / smoking / many times / but / he / never / succeed. //
9) I / hope / my English / considerably / improve / the end / course. //
10) It / difficult / prevent / people / park here. //
 III. Sentence transformation: Rewrite each of the sentences in a such a way that has the same meaning as the sentences above it.
	1) Six years ago we started writing to each other.
We have 
2) Please do not smoke in this area of the restaurant.
Customers are requested 
3) Can you look after my cat while I’m on holiday ?
Can you 
4) He wanted to relax, so he took up Yoga.
He took up Yoga in...........................
5) It was my grandfather who bought the house many years ago.
The house .
6) Life in urban areas is less healthy than life in rural areas.
Life in rural areas is ...................
7) It was so late that nothing could be done.
It was too 
8) Her presence made him feel better .
He felt .
9) As a school boy, he often played football in the school team.
He used .......
10)” How can I use this machine ? “ asked the man
The man wanted to know ..............
E. LISTENING : Listen to the conservation carefully and answer the questions below.
 I. Circle the correct answers a, b or c:
	1) What is the name of her house ?
 a. Orchard Cottage	b. Riverside Cottage	c. Bramble Cottage
2) What is Sainsbury’s ?
	 a. a supermarket	b. a hotel	c. a bank 
3) What did they want to do ?
 a. to sell her cottage	b. to move her cottage	c. to knock down her cottage
4) When did it happen ?
	 a. last year	b. two months ago	c. two years ago
5) How old is the woman ?
	 a. 69	b. 75 	c. 79
 II. Answer the questions :
1) What did they want to build ?
2) How much money did they offer her at first ?
3) Why doesn’t she need that money ? 
4) Was she their first customer ?
Question I : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other words in each group. (5 pts)
1. 	A. both	B. month	C. son	D. none
2. 	A. kitchen	B. children	C. teacher	D. chemist
3. 	A. kindness	B. climate	C. village	D. climbing
4. 	A. consider	B. century	C. cigarette	D. celebrate
5. 	A. heat	B. teach	C. bread	D. mean
Question II: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences(15 pts)
1. Peter used to __________ swimming every Friday when he was a student
	A. went	B. goes	C. going	D. go
2. He is not_______ get married.
	A. enough old to 	B. enough old for 	C. old enough to 	D. old enough for
3. My friend __________ me that he was going to take a driving test
	A. spoke	B. told	C. said	D. talk
4. The teacher advised the children __________ and see the dentist regularly
	A. went 	B. going 	C. go 	D. to go
5. You will miss the last bus to school __________ you leave now.
	A. unless	B. until	C. while	D. till
6. Peter : “ I enjoy listening to pop music,”
 Maria : “__________”
	A .I’m too 	B. I don’t	C. Neither do I D. So am I
7. I asked my friend __________ he wanted to go out with me. 
	A. that	B. which	C. what 	D. if
8. I’m learning English __________ I want to get a better job.
	A. or 	B. but 	C. therefore 	D. because
9. I wish you __________to the theater last night , but you didn’t.
	A. would come 	B. had come 	C. was coming	D. came 
10. Mike “ Would you like to have dinner with me ?”.
 Jane : “__________”
	A. Yes, I’d love to	B. Yes , so do I	C. I’m very happy	D. Yes, it is
11. After drinking a big bottle of __________, he got drunk.
	A. wine	B. milk	C. water	D. orange juice
12. Michael : “ It’s hot in here”.
 Tom : “__________ I open the window ?”
	A. Did	B. Do	C. Would 	D. Shall
13. Mary never cooks, __________?
	A. did not she	B. doesn’t she	C. does she	D. did she
14. I don’t study hard enough for the examination. I wish I __________ harder.
	A. study	B. studied	C. have studied	D. studies
15. She looks forward __________ seeing her mother coming back soon.
	A. to	B. on	C. with	D. at
Question III: Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistakes. (10 pts)
1. My brother hasn’t played football for last year.
 A 	 B 	C 	D 
2. Your new bicycle is more cheap than John’s .
 A 	 B C 	D 
3. I am fond with jogging every morning .
 A 	 B C 	 D 
4. Do you mind to go out with her to buy some ice - creams?
 	 A B 	C 	 D 
5. My brother said me to sit down at the table and do my homework .
 	 A 	 B 	C 	 D 
6. My father prefers watching films at home than going to the cinema .
 A 	 	B 	 	 C 	D 
7. I’d like some informations about the flights to Lon Don tomorrow, please.
 A 	 B 	 C 	 D 
8. I wish I can go with you to the seaside next weekend.
 A B 	 C 	 D 
9. The film was so bored that all audience had gone home before it ended .
 A B 	C 	 D 
10. Jane asked me how did I go to school everyday. 
	 A 	 B 	C 	D 
Question IV: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets. (10 pts)
1. You must be __________ when you open that door . ( care )
2. We can see many __________ on TV everyday . ( advertise )
3. I watch the news everyday because it very __________ . ( inform )
4. He didn’t feel happy because he worked __________ . ( success )
5. Our school has a lot of __________ teacher ( qualify )
6. She received a lot of __________ from her mother . ( encourage )
7. He was very __________ of the work he had done . ( pride )
8. Do you have a __________ costume in your country . ( nation )
9. The children are more __________ in cartoons . ( interest )
10. Every student was very __________ about the holiday . ( excite )
Question V: Match the sentences in column A with those in column B (10 pts).
1. Will you empty the basket for me, please?
2. How are you today ?
3. It’s very nice of you to meet me here.
4. Do come in.
5. Where is your house ?
6. Shall we go to the Chemist’s? - I need some medicine.
7. Shall we go to the stadium now?
8. Will you have some more cakes?
9. Oh, I’m sorry.
10. Shall I warm the milk for you?

A. It’s near here .
B. No, thank you . I’m full.
C. That’s all right. 
D. Yes, please.
E. Yes, certainly.
F. Yes, let’s.
G. Thank you.
H. It’s a pleasure.
I. No, let’s not. I have some.
J. I’m fine, thanks. And you ? 
 1+ ..... 2 + ...... 3 + ....... 4 + ....... 5 + ...... 7 + ....... 8 + ...... 9 + ....... 10 + .......
Question VI: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each blank in the following passage (10 pts):
Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an expert in phonetics. (1)_____ a boy , Alexander became interested in sounds and speech . in 1870, The Bells decided to (2) _____ to America. They lived in Boston, (3) ____ Alexander taught in a school for the deaf. There he began experimenting with a machine (4) _____ help the deaf hear .While experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea, “Why do not use electricity to (5)_____ the human voice from one place to another ? ” He began to work on a new (6) _____ . For years , Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson , worked day (7) _____ night. They rented rooms in a boarding house . Bell was on one floor , and Watson was on (8) _____ . They tried to send (9) _____ through a wire . Finally, on March 19th, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly : “ Mr Watson, come here. I want you.”. Watson rushed upstairs, ran (10) _____ Bell’s room, and shouted , “ I heard you ! ”
1. A. Despite
B. During
C. Be 
D. As
2. A. leave 
B. take 
C. move 
D. return
3. A. which 
B. why 
C. when
D. where
4. A. for 
B. in order 
C. to 
D. so that 
5. A. go 
B. get 
C. change 
D. send
6. A. invention
B. inventor
C. inventive
D. invent
7. A. by 
B. after
C. and 
D. or
8. A. others 
B. the others 
C. another
D. other
9. A. speaking
B. letters
C. speech
D. telegram
10. A. onto 
B. into 
C. in 
D. to

Question VII: Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (10 pts)
Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age. 
 	Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Although the electric light was the most useful, it was not his only invention. He also invented the record player, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new. He worked 16 out of every 24 hours.Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat. 
 	 Thomas Edison died in 1931, in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that 
improved the quality of life all over the world. 
 1. Thomas Edison was ______. 
A. a discoverer 	B. a teacher 	C. an explorer 	D. an inventor 
2. In 1854 Edison’s family ______. 
A. moved to Port Huron, Michigan 	B. bought a new house in Milan, Ohio 
C. decided to settle in Milan, Ohio 	D. sent him to a school in New Jersey 
3. The word “self-educated” in the passage mostly means ______. 
A. “having been well taught” 	B. “having had good schooling” 
C. “having taught himself” D. “having had a high education” 
4. Edison died at the age of ______. 
A. 76 	B. 84 	C. 47 	D. 74 
5. Which of following statements is NOT true about Edison? 
A. He invented the motion picture camera. 	B. He didn’t go to school at all. 
C. He made numerous inventions. 	D. He worked very hard. 
Question VIII: Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.( 5 pts)
1. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He had tested his eyes ten months ago.
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months.
D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months
2. I have never been to France before.
It’s the first time that I’ve gone to France.
It’s the first time that I went to France.
It’s the first time that I’ve been to France.
It’s the first time that I was to France.
3. The car was so expensive that I didn’t buy it .
The car was not so cheap that I couldn’t buy it .
The car was such expensive that I didn’t buy it .
The car was cheap enough for me to buy.
The car was too expensive for me to buy.
4. We must take steps to preserve natural resources; otherwise the planet will be in danger.
Unless we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will be in danger.
Unless we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will not be in danger.
If we take steps to preserve natural resources , the planet would be in danger.
If we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will be in danger.
5. “I would study English if I were you ,” Mai’s friend said .
Mai’s friend advised her to study English.
Mai’s friend advised her to have studied English.
Mai’s friend said that she was like Mai..
Mai told her friend to study English.
Question IX: Complete the second sentence in such a way that it is almost the same meaning as the first (l0 pts):
1. His parents made him study hard for his exam.
à He was made _________________________________________.
2. We spent two hours getting to London.
àIt took ______________________________________________.
3. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
à The date _____________________________________________.
4. Peter doesn’t play football anymore.
à Peter used ____________________________________________.
5. He has been collecting stamps for five years .
à He started ____________________________________________.
6. I haven’t seen my sister since 2000.
à I last ________________________________________________.
7. “You shouldn’t ride your bike too fast ,” I said to Nam.
à I advised ______________________________________________.
8. He is too young to go to school alone .
à He is __________________________________________________.
9. “Why don’t we go out for a walk ,” My brother said 
à My brother suggested ____________________________________.
10. “ It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much ,” Tom said to you
à Tom thanked _________________________________________ .
Question X: Write a passage(about 100- 120 words ) about your last holiday. (10 pts)
You may use the following ideas :
Where and when did you go?
Who did you go with ?
How did you go ?
What did you do there?
 What did you eat / drink? 
Did you take any photographs? 
Did you buy any souvenirs ? 
How did you feel afterward ? ...... 
. The End .
Question I: Phonetics (5points) 
Part A: Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced 
differently from the rest of the group ( 3 points ). 
1. A. decided	B. lived	C. stayed	D. studied
2. A. likes	B. days	C. lives	D. earns
3. A. fade	B. label	C. happy	D. sale
Part B : Choose a word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the group ( 2 points ).
4. A. freedom	B. humor	C. solar	D. suggest
5. A cover	B. account	C. install	D. prevent
Question II : Verb forms ( 15 points )Give the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
My dad (not like) coffee, he never (drink) it .
Ba is short. He wishes he (be) taller.
This house is empty. It (not live) in for many years.
I hate (get) up early in winter.
Traditionally, the ao dai (wear) by both men and women.
This is my house. I (live) here for 7 years.
 I'm busy at the moment. I (clean) the floor.
 Where you (spend) your holiday last summer ?
 I (see) Nam while I (go) to school yesterday. We (say) hello and 
 (walk) the rest of the road to s

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