Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 - Unit 5: The media

- the media ['mi:di”] phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng

-invent (v)/ invention

- town crier : người giao tin

-ring (v) rung, làm kêu leng keng

- shout (v) reo

-latest news : tin mới nhận

-popular (adj) phổ biến

-teenager : thanh thiếu niên

Adult trưởng thành

Convenient (adj) tiện lợi


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Unit 5: the media
I) Vocabulary:
- the media ['mi:di”] phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng
-invent (v)/ invention
- town crier : người giao tin
-ring (v) rung, làm kêu leng keng
- shout (v) reo
-latest news : tin mới nhận
-popular (adj) phổ biến
-teenager : thanh thiếu niên
Adult trưởng thành
Convenient (adj) tiện lợi
Viewer (n)
Variety đa dạng
Interactive (adj) tương tác
Remote control
Violent (adj)mạnh mẽ, hung dữ
Opposite (adj)đối nhau
Forum 'f˜:r”m] diễn đàn
Increasingly = deverlope
Useful (adj)hữu ích
Respond ri'sp˜nd trả lời
Surf the web : lướt mạng
Communicate (v) giao tiếp
Commination (n)
Communicative (adj) dễ truyền; hay lan truyền
 cởi mở, hay thổ lộ tâm sự; thích chuyện trò
Means (n) phương tiện
Chat (v) tỏn gẫu
Wonderful (adj)
Deny (v) từ chối
Benefit (n) lợi, lợi ích
Get access to (v) tiếp cận
Informative cung cấp nhiều tin tức, có nhiều tài liệu
Time consuming :tốn nhiều thời gian
II) Grammar: 
* Tag questions (Cõu hỏi cú đuụi)
	Khi sử dụng loại cõu hỏi này nờn nhớ rằng nú khụng nhằm mục đớch đờ hỏi mà nhằm để khẳng định lại ý kiến của bản thõn mỡnh đó biết.
- Cõu chia làm 2 thành phần tỏch biệt nhau bởi dấu phẩy.
- Nếu động từ ở phần chớnh ở thể khẳng định thỡ ở phần đuụi là phủ định và ngược lại.
- Động từ to be được dựng trực tiếp, cỏc động từ thường dựng trợ động từ to do, cỏc động từ ở thời kộp: future, perfect, progressive dựng với chớnh trợ động từ của thời đú.
- Cỏc thành ngữ there is, there are và it is dựng lại ở phần đuụi.
- Động từ to have trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ là động từ thường do đú nú sẽ dựng với trợ động từ to do.
There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren’t there?
It’s raining now, isn’t it? It isn’t raining now, is it?
The boys don’t have class tomorrow, do they?
You and I talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we?
You won’t be leaving for another hour, will you?
Jill and Joe have been to Mexico, haven’t they?
You have two children, don’t you?
(Trong tiếng Anh, thỡ sẽ dựng haven’t you?)
 - ễÛ phaàn ủuoõi neỏu coự “not” thỡ phaỷi luoõn ủửụùc vieỏt taột.
 - Caực chuỷ tửứ ụỷ phaàn ủuoõi phaỷi luoõn chuyeồn veà thaứnh 1 trong caực chuỷ tửứ: I, he, she, it, we, you, they sau cho phuứ hụùp vụựi chuỷ tửứ ủaàu caõu.
Ex: Tam ate dinner, didn’t he?
* Rules: Quy taộc
Sentence : phaàn ủaàu caõu
Tag question : phaàn ủuoõi
1. khaỳng ủũnh
1. phuỷ ủũnh
2. phuỷ ủũnh
2. khaỳng ủũnh
3. caực thỡ:
+ V1
+ V2/Ved
+ have/ has
+ am/ is/ are
+ was/ were
+ can/could/will/shall/might
3. chuyeồn veà:
+ do/ does
+ did
+ have/ has
+ am/ is/ are
+ was/ were
+ can/could/will/shall/might
Ex: They won’t go camping, will they?
 Lan hasn’t worked here since last year, has she?
 We visited Da Lat, didn’t we?
* Note: Moọt soỏ daùng ủaởc bieọt
1. ẹoỏi vụựi caõu coự chuỷ tửứ laứ “I”maứ trong caõu coự ủoọng tửứ To Be, caõu hoỷpi ủuoõi laứ: am I not hoaởc aren’t I?
Ex: I am standing on the landmark with Cambodia, am I not/ aren’t I? 
2. ẹoỏi vụựi caõu yeõu caàu baột ủaàu laứ “Let’s + Vo”, caõu hoỷi ủuoõi phaỷi laứ shan’t we?
Ex: Let’s play computer games, shan’t we?
3. ẹoỏi vụựi caõu yeõu caàu baột ủaàu laứ “ Vo”, caõu hoỷi ủuoõi phaỷi laứ will you hoaởc won’t you?
Ex: Come to Hoa’s house with me tonight, will you?
I)Vieỏt phaàn caõu hoỷi ủuoõi cho caực caõu sau:
11. Tom won’t be late, ______________?
12. I’m too impatient, _______________?
13. Let’s go out for a drink, _______________?
14. Don’t turn on the TV until 8, _______________?
15. You went to an internet service last night, _______________?
16. Hoa like reading detective movie, _______________?
17. These cakes look good, _______________?
18. Graham Bell invented the telephone, _______________?
19. Phong and Kien were talking when you came, _______________?
20. Don’t leave the house before I come back, _______________?
21. Britney Spear is the most famous singer this year, _______________?
22. I’m late for the appointment, _______________?
23. Shakespeare’s plays have been performed everywhere, _______________?
24. We should call Rita, _______________?
25. There are many bad things of the Net, _______________?
26. You must do this exercise, _______________?
27. The students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom, __________?
28. A new manager won’t come here tomorrow, _______________?
29. Your children watch TV a lot, _______________?
30. You often chat in your free time, _______________?
II) In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases have been underlined . Choose the one word or phase that would not be appropriate.
1.This will fit in pockets, wouldn’t it.
 A B C D
2.You have always wanted to be an actress, aren’t you?
 A B C D
3.An worked in the shop , didn’t An?
 A B C D
4.He did not tell you about his last trip, didn’t he?
 A B C D 
5.You were there for two years, were you?
 A B C D
6.You didn’t go to work , didn’t you?
 A B C D
7.You haven’t read this article on the website, haven’t you?
 A B C D
8.Tom goes to Bath quite often, didn’t he?
 A B C D
II)Gerund after some verbs. ( Danh động từ)
Practice V- ing
Delay ( tri hoan)
Ex: I like playing football.
Hoa enjoys doing morning exercises everymorning* Like
- Khi phát biờ̉u chung chung ta dùng Verb –ing theo sau like.
Ex: I like reading.
- Khi nói vờ̀ sở thích tại thời điờ̉m cụ thờ̉ ta dùng to – infinitive sau like.
Ex: I like to get up early on Sunday in order to finish my homework before the lunchtime.
* Note: Go + gerund được dùng ở nhiều cụm từ liên quan đến các hoạt động giải trí và mua sắm
Go fishing : đi câu cá
Go swimming : đi bơi
Go camping : đi cắm trại
Go hunting : đi săn
Go sailing : đi lái thuyền
Go boating : đi chèo thuyền
Go skating : đi trượt băng
Go skiing : đi trượt tuyết
Go mountian climbing : đi leo núi
Go sightseeing : đi tham quan
Go shopping : đi mua sắm
 I- Supply the correct form for the verbs in brackets :
1-	She enjoys (play) ..................................... badminton.
2-	When will you finish (repair)....................... my car ?
3-	We began (learn)........................................... English 4 years ago.
4-	He hates (have)......................................... lunch at school.
5-	Don’t forget (do) ...................................... your homework !
6-	Why do you decide (choose)............................................... this book ?
7-	He loves (listen)............................................ to live music on TV.
8-	I am interested in (play)............................... computer games.
9-	My father likes (read) ................................. newspapers before going to work.
10-	Is she fond of (chat) ..................................................................... ?
11-	The snow kept (fall)................................... the whole day.
12-	This book tells you how (win).......................................... at chess.
13-	The fire seems (be)................................................ out.
14-	She apologized for (be).................................................... late.
15-	Did you advise him (go) .......................................... to the police
II) In each of the following sentences, four words or phrases have been underlined . Choose the one word or phase that would not be appropriate.
1. You should consider take that job.
 A B C D
2.Don’t delay to call the doctor .It’s serious.
 A B C D
3.She dinies to take the money.
 A B C D
4.I dislike drive in heavy traffic.
 A B C D
5.We went to fishing yesterday.
 A B C D
6.I’ve just finished read the book you gave me.
 A B C D
I. Choùn tửứ coự phaàn gaùch chaõn coự caựch phaựt aõm khaực so vụựi caực tửứ coứn laùi:
1. a. internet	b. invent	c. media	d. spend
2. a. remote	b. local	c. popular	d. program
3. a. watch	b. channel	c. chat	d. Christmas
4. a. deny	b. pity	 c. century	d. documentary
5. a. surf	b. hamburger	c. purpose	d. communicate
II- Pick out the word that is of different topic from the others :
1-A. spring B. autumn	 C. winter	 D. sausage
2-A. monkey B. donkey	 C. money	 D. lion
3-A. tiger B. referer C. goalkeeper	 D. viewer
4-A. minute B. cloud	 C. hour	 D. second
5-A. mountain B. lake	 C. well	 D. pool
III- Complete the second sentences with the same meaning :
1-	Reading newspapers in the morning gives him pleasure.
	He enjoys .............................................................................................................
2-	They first printed “The Time” two hundred years ago.
	“The Time” ...............................................................................................................
3-	Does your brother use the internet every day ?
	Your brother ...............................................................................................................
4-	Some newspapers have more pictures than texts.
	There are ....................................................................................................
5-	“Can I borrow you 100,000 ủ ?” he said to me.
	He asked me .....................................................................................................
VI) Supply the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1.Our TV stations get all their ....from advertising. ( COME)
2.Internet is awonderful .of modern life ( INVENT)
3.We are really impressed by the .. of the people there. (FRIEND)
4.The Malysian unit the ringist CURRENT
5.Remote controls are used to  ..with TV (INTERACTION)
VII) Read the passage and do the following exercises.
 Game shows are becoming more and more popular on Television nowadays. In these programs, contestants have to answer questions delivered by the presenter, often afamous artist, and get marks for their correct answer, Those who have the hightest marks win the game. The topic of the game shows cover all fields of life, from music, sports to social knowledge with avariety of interesting questions.
	In addition, game shows also attract TV viewers in the way that they can directly participate in the programs while sitting in front of the television through the phone and get rewards. Besides, viewers can also send their questions to the programs. It is the direct interaction betwwen the programs and TV viewers that makes the programs closer to millions of people.
Choose the best answers.
Contestants đấu thủ nearly means..
A. presenters	B.participants	C.viewer	D.programmers.
2.Presenter nearly means..
A.MC	B.contestant.	C.viewer	D.artist 
3. Attract nearly means useful to	B.draw viewers’ attention
c. be boring to	D. be popular with
*Decide whether the sentences are True or False
1. The presenters often get marks for their correct answers.
2.Social knowledge is the only topic of game shows.
3.Ther are many interesting questions in game shows.
4.TV viewers can answer the questions through the phone
5.Only contestants (đấu thủ, đối thủ, người tranh giải, người dự thi )can be rewarded.

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